War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2193 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War 36

Chapter 2193 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War [-]

Venus smiled triumphantly, stretched out her slender hand, held it in the void, and said softly: "Mie"

That piece of frozen time and space suddenly flickered like a phantom. When I looked at it intently, everything was calm as usual, as if nothing had happened.

Li Kuang frowned. Venus itself is the main god derived from the original rules. This time, it combined the dark main god and the demon soul. Its understanding of space is simply unmatched.

The annihilation and derivation of a small space is as natural to her as eating and drinking.

It is almost impossible for Li Kuang to harm her body.

But it seems unrealistic for Venus to defeat Li Kuang in a short time.

Li Kuang relied on his divine eyes and body skills to constantly change his direction. With a trace of nothingness, he even escaped the lock of Venus's divine sense smoothly. This seemed to be his greatest advantage.

"Li Kuang, if you're a man, don't be evasive. Are you no match for a weak woman?"

Venus attacked one after another, but Li Kuang relied on his figure and dodged them like a prophet, which made the goddess extremely angry.

Now that there was nothing they could do, Li Kuang felt relieved, his mood relaxed, and his words became frivolous: "I don't need you to verify whether I am a man or not. I have already said that I don't like you, so why bother pressing me?" Woolen cloth?"

The figure that seemed to be nothingness faded and appeared a hundred meters away again, and everything in the space where it stood just now had solidified.

Venus can be regarded as a ruthless hand, the space is frozen when she strikes, where the slender hand points, time and space are stagnant, everything freezes instantly, and then directly disintegrates into billions of pieces, obliterating everything, if it is deep in it, it will naturally be unavoidable The fate of being frozen into specimens and then turned into meat paste.

Such a powerful attack method has really reached its peak in terms of the pseudo-world, but Li Kuang was able to perceive her attack intention first, which is what makes Venus most helpless.

No matter how powerful the attack fails to hit the target, it is in vain.

And to freeze the entire space, the energy required is extremely astonishing, even if Venus is not what it used to be, it is still impossible.

Otherwise, wouldn't she be able to easily catch Li Kuang as long as she was imprisoned in a wide range of time and space?
In fact, the range of time and space that she can control is only 100 meters. Beyond this range, she can only look at the ocean and sigh. The hateful thing is that Li Kuang seems to know her limit. A little bit more than a hundred meters away.

The depressing feeling that it is clearly within reach, but it is off the line, really makes Goddess Venus want to vomit blood.

Could this be the limit of that bastard?
No, if it goes on like this, won't it be returned without success?

Venus thought to herself, if the scope of my control could be wider, wouldn't it be...

A trace of cruelty flashed in her eyes, and she secretly made up her mind.

As long as you get the miniature world in the body of the Holy Maiden of God, isn't the whole world in your pocket?At that time, the subordinates will be meaningless at all.

Then, sacrifice them.

Venus suddenly stopped attacking, closed her beautiful eyes, and slowly stretched her hands, making a gesture of devotion.

Li Kuang said with some doubts: "Your Majesty, did you give up so easily? This is not like your style."

(End of this chapter)

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