War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2194 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War 37

Chapter 2194 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War [-]

"You are right. This is indeed not my style. I, Venus, will definitely get what I want. I have never missed it, and this time will be no exception."

Venus slowly opened her eyes, a faint red light flashed in her beautiful eyes, but a leaf suddenly floated out of her body.

"Guardian of life? What? Are you scared?"

Although Li Kuang joked lightly on the surface, he was actually very nervous in his heart. Venus was a decisive woman, and she would definitely not give up easily. She stopped attacking at this moment, and she must have thought of some way to solve the deadlock.

As soon as the leaf appeared, it turned into a small tree and submerged directly into the magma. As if it were an illusion, countless roots and branches spread out instantly, and the roots were deeply rooted into the depths of the magma, like a tree. The veins are generally wriggling, giving people a coquettish and strange feeling.

And the fiery energy surged up along the huge veins built by the roots, and went straight into Venus' hands.

As the tree of life grows bigger and bigger, Venus's body is getting higher and higher from the ground. Pressing on the crown of the tree with one hand, the whole tree of life is like a super-powerful absorption machine, absorbing the energy of the entire formation. Crazy intake.

Feeling the terrifying energy fluctuations around him, Li Kuang couldn't help but change his expression, and shouted sharply, "Venus, what the hell are you doing?"

"Hehehe, Li Kuang, do you know you're afraid? Huh, it's late, I don't believe that the power of the entire domain can't deal with you."

A large amount of pure energy gathered somewhere in the crown of the tree, pouring into Venus's body like a tide, and the tree of life has expanded into a giant tree covering a range of hundreds of miles. Its roots and branches are even more impenetrable and countless. It is terrifying to absorb energy.

A series of energy hurricanes howled, instantly spreading to the entire domain space, rolling up countless waves of magma, surging like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

This space is where [-] masters put their best efforts, forming large formations and small formations, superimposed layer upon layer, hard and deeply separated from the real space.

The spirits and all the spirits with a radius of tens of thousands of miles were brought together under the action of the large formation, and now, under the control of Venus, the master, they were gathered in the tree of life and then sent into the tree of life. in the body.

Venus's body is like a bottomless pit, how terrifying is the power of this tens of thousands of miles of spiritual power?It was actually absorbed into her body by her alone, and there was nothing unusual about it.

"Demon Soul, it's all up to you, suck as much as you want"

"Thank you, Master Venus, you are so cute, don't worry, with my demon soul here, no amount of energy can hold it, this time Li Kuang will definitely die."

The demon soul cheered excitedly, greedily enjoying the energy feast.

Even the power of the entire world can be gathered in the bloody rosette, and the energy of tens of thousands of miles in this area is naturally no problem.

Li Kuang had already left Venus thousands of miles away, but Venus dismissed it and had no intention of chasing after him.

The entire domain is under her control. As long as Li Kuang is still in this space, let alone thousands of miles, even tens of thousands of miles, a thought can reach in an instant, so I don't have to worry about Li Kuang escaping.

Countless spirits and essence poured into Venus's body, and the violent absorption made her hundreds of miles around her become the center of a huge vortex. The situation was not only shocking.

(End of this chapter)

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