War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2263 Doomsday, God of the East "8"

Chapter 2263 Doomsday, Eastern Gods War "[-]"

But at this moment, a large number of spirits that are so thick that they are almost substantial have gathered frantically, covering the entire Cthulhu Valley tightly. The richness of the spirit here is far inferior to that of the fairy world.
Obviously, all of this is inseparable from the Dark Demon Soil.

It seems that the many massive spiritual resources are attracted by it, and they are being poured into it crazily.

The Black Demon Soil is the Five Elements Divine Stone, the most advanced spiritual storage device in the world, and the strange energy permeating it is the crystallization after refining.

Whether it's Buddha Kong Kong or Taishang Laojun Li Er, they are all bandits wearing hypocritical masks. Their purpose is obviously these super god stones.

This is the Cthulhu Valley, everything belongs to Cthulhu!Even if you die, you must not let outsiders get involved!
There was an astonishing light in everyone's eyes. Although their strength was weak, their fighting spirit was astonishing and they were fearless.

Qin Zhen was sandwiched between the two masters, even though the two had tried their best to restrain their aura, the emperor-level coercion was still not something the little Xuanxian could resist. Suddenly, his face flushed, and the corners of his mouth overflowed with blood.

But in his eyes, there was an unyielding light, and he said sharply: "You two, this is the valley of the evil god, the residence of the evil god, I hope you will respect yourself."

Kong Kong said indifferently: "Chief Qin's heart to protect the Lord is admirable, but the evil god created the cause by himself, so he should accept the result. The cycle of cause and effect is a natural law and cannot be violated."

Qin Zhen sneered and said: "Don't use those tricks to fool the world. Everyone understands, so there is no need to beat around the bush."

Li Er waved his whisk lightly, and put Batian down. This move was intended to show favor, but the people in the Cthulhu Valley had long been prejudiced against the Heavenly Court, so they would not appreciate it, and just looked at all this coldly.

"I agree with the Lord Buddha's words. Without the guidance of the evil god in the past, how could there be Li Er today? Li Er is obliged to protect the things of his father."

Li Er actually made public the relationship between himself and Li Kuang in front of everyone. This moment really stirred up a thousand waves and caused an uproar.

Li Er didn't feel any discomfort, on the contrary, he was a little happy, as if he recognized his ancestors and returned to his clan with a little excitement, he said: "My lord father's kindness to Li Er, Li Er will never forget it, since my lord father has already accepted the robbery, Li Er naturally stepped forward to protect what belongs to his father."

Seeing the impassioned Li Erbai's beard trembling wildly, everyone burst into cold sweat. They did not expect that the always stable and gloomy Taishang Laojun would have such a passionate side.

Qin Zhen and Duanqing were shocked suddenly, unable to hide their shock, Qin Zhen said in a trembling voice: "Old gentleman, what do you mean by that?"

Taishang Laojun looked sad and said with deep pain: "My lord father has truly destroyed the six realms of samsara at the very center of the universe, and my lord father has also followed suit. Fall!"

Looking at the sluggish crowd, he wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and said, "These rich spiritual powers are the original energy emitted after the destruction of the Six Paths of Samsara."

Feeling the vast and unparalleled pure spirituality between heaven and earth, everyone in the Cthulhu Valley fell to their knees and wept bitterly.

That kind of grief is like the first time the Mu family was abandoned by the goddess of life. The grief in the heart of the faith being destroyed in an instant is beyond words.

And Lord Heretic God's position in everyone's mind is unique and irreplaceable.

Thinking that what I and others were desperately absorbing turned out to be the energy obtained by the evil god in exchange for his own life, the heart-piercing pain undoubtedly deepened.

(End of this chapter)

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