War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2264 Doomsday, God of the East "9"

Chapter 2264 Doomsday, God of the East "[-]"

Kong Kong said slowly: "This is the reincarnation fate of the evil god. His mission is to destroy the six realms of reincarnation and obtain true freedom for all beings in the three realms. This time the world is reborn, but all things and creatures still exist, and there is no Hunyuan." The immeasurable calamity shows that the evil god has succeeded! The torrent of time and space has changed, and everyone should cheer."

Qin Zhen said angrily: "Shut up, if you want to get your hands on the Cthulhu Valley, you have to step over our corpses!"

"Yes, we swear to live and die with the Cthulhu Valley!"

Everyone roared in unison, the sound shook the sky.

But Li Er and Kong Kong were noncommittal. The application was like an adult hearing a baby lying on the ground saying that he wanted to kill him.

"You have been influenced by the breath of the god stone for a long time, your physique has changed, and your cultivation speed is far faster than ordinary people. You are all first-class seedlings. It's just a pity that this kind of thing is not up to a group of children to decide."

Kong Kong spoke lightly, but the phantom behind him suddenly burst out thousands of golden lights, instantly illuminating half of the sky, and the extremely rich spiritual energy surged up, and they all avoided it.

The endless coercion came overwhelming, making it suffocating.

Everyone in the Cthulhu Valley let out a muffled groan, and fell to their knees involuntarily, with blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

But the stubborn people had eyes full of hatred, struggling desperately to get up.

Puchi, puchi!
Many Cthulhu people forcibly stood up, fell down again, blood spurted, their bodies twitched on the ground, and they kept roaring, which was moving.

During the period of living in the Cthulhu Valley, everyone is like a big family, caring for each other, making the lonely road of cultivation full of warmth.

Unknowingly, everyone has regarded this place as their eternal home, but now, the two robbers are going to carry out the robbery openly. No bloody person will be silent.

The Snake Clan was the weakest, but they struggled the hardest, spraying blood one by one, and all of them were seriously injured. The stern scene made people feel sad.

But Li Er and Kong Kong both turned a blind eye.

"Old gentleman, you seem to be very calm! Are you so sure?"

Looking at Li Er with a smile on his face, a trace of doubt flashed in his heart, and he couldn't help asking.

Li Er laughed and said, "How could Li Er be unprepared to deal with such a shrewd person as the Lord Buddha? The Lord Buddha secretly mobilized three thousand Buddhas to lie in ambush outside the Valley of the Evil Gods. Anyone who is a cultivator must know about such a big movement. , but, as a son of man, how can Li Er not be filial?"

A golden light flashed in Kong Kong's eyes, and he laughed and said, "Old Master's deep scheming is admirable. From this point of view, the east and the west have to compete."

(End of this chapter)

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