War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2304 Looking to the future, God-making Project "6"

Chapter 2304 Looking to the future, God-making Project "[-]"

Li Kuang said: "Is it easy to merge with the gods? Time is limited, and we can only take extraordinary measures to make them have both expectations and pressure. How far they can improve depends entirely on their own good fortune."

Everyone was ashamed, it turned out that Li Kuang was playing with this hand, wasn't he hanging a carrot in front of the donkey, making it keep running forward, but couldn't eat it?

Unexpectedly, the God in everyone's heart would be like this. If the believers below know about it, I really don't know how they will react?
The perfect image of Lord Heretic God!

The women all stared at Li Kuang angrily, but Li Kuang laughed, waved his hand, and immediately swept up the crowd and disappeared on the stage.

But at this time, under Li Kuang's order, the four of them shot at the same time, their divine power surged, and a large number of divine power threads gushed out from each of them, like octopus tentacles, winding and spreading directly, intertwined in an instant, Form a net of divine power, covering the entire Cthulhu Square.

The strong aura of divine power pervades every corner, and the upper part is connected to the super divine formation. Under Li Kuang's control, the divine formation continuously draws the power of the surrounding spirits and transmits it concentratedly.

The four of them acted as an energy transfer station, and when the formation was formed, the four of them connected with each other as if they were one.

"Relax your mind, integrate into the divine power, and feel everything carefully."

Li Kuang's voice reached everyone's ears, making everyone's hearts calm down immediately. They all sat cross-legged according to the words, closed their eyes and opened their hearts, and worked hard to connect with the ubiquitous man between heaven and earth. Divine power thread fit.

The countless threads of divine power are like network cables, connecting each individual to form a huge local area network.

Therefore, when someone fits together, they instantly enter the privately constructed virtual space and constantly experience everything the four of them have experienced.

Such a method is simply unheard of. It is a miracle that 10 people practice together!

After Li Kuang confessed, he had brought the girls back to the Evil God Temple, and as for what he would do, no one knew.

All I know is that half a month later, the girls will all look extremely shy and extremely happy.

This half month has been the most peaceful and warm half month.

And the greatest good news is Menggu's waking up.

After Li Kuang continued to take time to nourish her with his soul, Menggu's consciousness became more and more complete, and finally recovered.

It's just that what the girls couldn't figure out was that when Menggu woke up, she seemed to be a different person. The former proud queen had turned into a pure and lovely girl.

This kind of change really made everyone puzzled, but the only person in this world who knew the inside story was Ying Long, and Ying Long would never tell everyone, including Li Kuang!
So, Menggu woke up, everything was harmonious, everyone's only worry disappeared, and they got along very well with each other.

Li Kuang did not forget his promise, and took her to watch the sunrise and sunset every day, making her laughter fill the entire Cthulhu Valley.

(End of this chapter)

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