War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2305 Looking to the future, God-making Project "7"

Chapter 2305 Looking to the future, God-making Project "[-]"

The small six-path reincarnation formation has been in operation for half a month, absorbing a large amount of spiritual energy and pouring it into the formation. Under the wonderful influence of the formation, nearly 10 people have almost achieved consciousness communication, especially after comprehending Lu Wu. The four of them comprehended in the space of Longyu, and their realm soared like a rocket.

During this period, people from the heavenly court and the Buddhist sect retreated far away, not daring to challenge Li Kuang's authority.

Reminded by Li Kuang, the first alliance conference of the Eastern God Realm was finally held in the Heavenly Court. Although all parties tried their best to invite Li Kuang to participate, Li Kuang refused on the grounds that his wife was going to have a baby.

Li Er and Buddha were also happy with this result, because if Li Kuang participated, they probably wouldn't have the guts to compete with him.

It's just that the two used many means to become the leader of the alliance, and in the end neither of them accepted the other, and the two could only keep their eyes on Monkey King.

However, Sun Wukong and the Eastern and Western worlds have festivals, and it is because of Li Kuang that he dare not express his position without authorization, so he remains neutral.

In the end, it was Zhen Yuanzi Daxian who was smart and proposed to implement a parliamentary system, with emperor-level masters acting as councilors, and everyone discussing everything. Li Er and Kong Kong are the speakers, regardless of size.

This proposal was supported by emperor-level masters including Yuanshi Tianzun Tongtian Cult Master and Burning Lamp Ancient Buddha Bodhi Patriarch, and finally formed a fairly luxurious parliament.

At the same time as the alliance was formed, the three armies all went to the front line, stationed at the edge of the chaotic star field.

However, the chaotic star field at this moment has become a safe area, without the terrible erosion of nothingness, it means losing the natural danger, and the dragon army can attack from anywhere.

However, the people from Heavenly Court and Buddha Lord are all extremely smart, and they put all their efforts into arranging the "Sanskrit Formation" and "Super Zhuxian Formation" respectively, covering an area of ​​hundreds of thousands of miles. He has an ambush.

With the strength of the immortal, one teleportation is thousands of miles. This line of defense is actually not wide, but the force is limited, and the dragon clan is strong. If the battle line is too long, it may not be effective.

And everyone knew very well that except for Li Kuang, everyone else in Heretic God Valley would not be able to make it to the stage, so they didn't have much hope for Heretic God Valley.

All of a sudden, the entire East fell into unprecedented tension.

No matter how much hatred there was between each other in the past, at this moment, we all hope to cooperate sincerely and drive the invaders away, because no one wants to live in humiliation as food or pets.

It's just that they don't know how powerful their enemies are.

What's more, I don't know that there are only a few people who really decide the future of the whole world, but they are definitely not any famous people now!
(End of this chapter)

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