War of the Three Realms

Chapter 321 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 8

Chapter 321 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 8
According to the rules, the master is not allowed to interfere during the student's assessment, and he is not even allowed to speak and give advice. The student must complete the entire process independently to be considered a success.

Therefore, in the face of Li Kuang's madness, Duanqing had no choice but to be anxious.

This Qing Lan is either crazy or stupid, to be so arrogant, dare to challenge the middle-grade pill with the strength of the golden core stage, it is too overbearing!

Almost no one expressed support for Li Kuang's behavior. Kunlun guest Qing Wu sneered with disdain. Although the disciples of other small sects disdain in their hearts, they dare not show it clearly. Tianjiao Sect is not something they can afford to offend of.

Li Kuang just carefully selected the medicinal materials, and ignored everything around him, as if he had fallen into a strange state.

He prepared the medicinal materials, but he didn't turn on the furnace immediately, but walked back to his original position and continued to refine the Dabu pill.

The reason why Dabu Pill was refined was because this Dabu Pill was not only the simplest, but also the most practical, and it was the elixir that I needed most at the moment.

The middle-grade first-class elixir chosen by Li Kuang is a kind of beauty pill...Pure heart and beauty pill!

Although the name of this elixir is very tacky, it has a great reputation in the cultivation world.

One reason is that the refining of this pill not only requires a few extremely rare elixir, but it is also suspected of being a waste, because this pill can neither save people's lives nor improve their skills. Its only use is to fill the user's body with The charming aroma lasts for half a year!

And it has the miraculous effect of maintaining the skin.

Compared with the value of the medicinal materials and the status of the middle-grade pills, this is really the most worthwhile kind of pill among the middle-grade pills. The value of any single elixir among them exceeds the value of the finished product.

Therefore, there are not many people in the cultivation world who can refine this elixir, and even fewer people are willing to refine it.

With Duanqing's strength, although she could refine it at any time, she was reluctant to part with these elixir, so she never tried it once.

But Li Kuang is different, his identity is false, and the medicinal materials of the Jiaomen are not in vain these days. Given this opportunity, how could he not give a special gift to Sister Shixuan?
"The name of this pill is Qingxin Yangyan Pill. I specially refined it and gave it to a person. Whether it succeeds or not, it is all from my heart. Please don't laugh at me."

Li Kuang smiled slightly, his voice was like a breeze, but his eyes were focused on Shixuan.

(End of this chapter)

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