War of the Three Realms

Chapter 322 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 9

Chapter 322 Alchemy Conference, Li Kuang Shows His Power 9
Shixuan's eyes flashed, and she seemed a little puzzled.

Li Kuang's words immediately caused a commotion.

The fresh beauty pill is a well-known beauty pill in the cultivation world. It is deeply loved by almost every woman. Its charming fragrance, coupled with the effect of freshness and beauty, is enough to make beauty-loving women crazy.

Duanqing can't laugh or cry, this Qinglan is really naughty to squander the public's elixir like this.

However, there is one thing that she is very pleased with, that is, before the doll messed around, she was able to tell the difference between the serious and the serious, knowing that after refining the Dabu Pill to advance, she would not let herself down.

In fact, how did she know that the reason why Li Kuang had to refine the Dabu Pill first was because his Roaring Rabbit did not dare to show his face in public, and the spiritual power needed to refine the middle-grade pill was simply incalculable. For safety's sake, he had to do it.

This alchemy is a meticulous job, which is extremely time-consuming. Obviously, it is impossible for hundreds of people to stand here and watch him alchemy alone. Everyone just needs to know the result.

However, it is not a problem for a cultivator to stay for a day and a half. If you are impatient, you can sit down and practice your skills. This place is full of spiritual energy, which is a rare place for cultivation.

Just when some people began to meditate and practice on the spot, a sudden change occurred on the alchemy platform, and even the disciples in the stands let out a burst of exclamation!
Dan fire!

Li Kuang actually used Pill Fire!
How can it be?

You know, he is only at the golden core stage!And in the history of the cultivation world, the earliest one to use elixir fire to refine medicine has the lowest strength in the out-of-body stage!

Only when the Nascent Soul is condensed and the soul is out of the body, it is possible to directly force the pill fire out of the body, just like the three-flavored real fire of an immortal, and directly refine it.

Such efficiency is naturally several times that of general refining methods!
Li Kuang's actions were a blockbuster, and even Shi Xuan, who had always been as indifferent as ice, couldn't help but look at him in surprise.

Li Kuang was secretly proud that sister Shixuan was finally attracted to him.

The heaven-defying qi circulated in an instant, and his person immediately exuded an extremely ethereal and strange aura, as if looking down on the earth from above the clouds, and also as if he had merged with the whole world, and could go away at any time...

How can this be?

Finally, Mrs. Wangqing couldn't restrain the shock in her heart, she stood up from her seat, and looked at Li Kuang who was in another world in surprise!

(End of this chapter)

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