War of the Three Realms

Chapter 334 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 7

Chapter 334 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 7
to me?
This child really has a heart, and she knew that she leapfrogged alchemy to give herself a surprise, and it was worth loving her so much.

Duanqing took the elixir with satisfaction, put it in front of his nose and sniffed it, and praised: "Sweet! I have dreamed about this refreshing beauty elixir for a long time, but I have been reluctant to refine it. Today, it was offered to me by a disciple. It's God's will!"

The cheers from the audience have already surged like a tidal wave.

A miracle, simply a miracle!

This is definitely one of the most sensational news in the cultivation world in recent years.

Duanqing gently wiped the blood from the corner of Li Kuang's mouth, and said angrily: "Silly boy, don't take such risks next time, do you understand?"

"Thank you uncle for teaching, Qing Lan will definitely keep it in mind."

"Congratulations, Junior Sister Duanqing, I am proud of you for accepting such a good disciple."

Wang Qing said with a smile all over his face, there was even a trace of expectation in his eyes.

Li Kuang saluted and said: "Thank you, Sect Leader, for coming to watch the ceremony during his busy schedule!"

After finishing speaking, there was no words, and he did not dedicate the remaining pill to Mrs. Wangqing as Duanqing expected.

Li Kuang originally made alchemy for Shixuan, so how could he give such a hard-earned treasure to others?

Master Wangqing's eyes flashed brightly, and then she smiled: "Since Qinglan succeeded in alchemy, Junior Sister Duanqing, I agree to your request. After Qinglan officially takes office, you can practice in closed doors."

"Officially took office? What do you mean?"

Li Kuang was a little puzzled.

Master Wangqing smiled and announced: "My disciple, Qing Lan, has outstanding aptitude and is indeed the best among all the disciples. Therefore, the list of my sect's experience will be jointly reviewed by Qing Lan and Shi Xuan."

After saying this, everyone was silent, and they looked at Li Kuang with enthusiasm, as if they wanted to hug him into their arms immediately and ravage him.

Li Kuang couldn't help shivering.

He hesitated to speak, but broke his feelings and said: "Senior Sister, Qinglan is just entering the mountain gate, so I'm afraid it's not appropriate to do this!"

"What's wrong?"

Wangqing's indifferent eyes swept over the disciples, and those who were seen by her lowered their heads in fear, as if they were under great pressure.

"Who refuses to accept? Who... dares to refuse?"

Wangqing's indifferent tone was filled with terrifying power, who would dare not accept it?
However, Li Kuang was secretly happy in his heart. In this way, wouldn't he have more time to spend with Sister Shixuan?

(End of this chapter)

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