War of the Three Realms

Chapter 335 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 8

Chapter 335 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 8
After announcing this shocking news, Master Wangqing stood up too long, floated up like green smoke, and disappeared instantly.

And all the disciples also retreated amidst the scolding of Fenqing, and in such a huge square, only a few people were left in an instant.

"Sister Shixuan, hello!"

Li Kuang saw the timing and finally came to Shi Xuan, but his whole body trembled.

Shi Xuan is too cold.

Not only was there a very cold aura emanating from his body, but a chill emanated from his whole body, which made people stop.

"Hello! Please call me Shixuan, my sister will spare me."

The cold and blunt voice had long lost its original agility and mischievousness. Li Kuang's heart trembled when he heard it, and a sour feeling spread instantly.

Heart hurts!
"Well, Shixuan, this is the Qingxin Nourishing Pill that I specially refined for you, please accept it!"

Li Kuang took out the crystal elixir and handed it to Shixuan.

In his mind, it is a woman's nature to love beauty, especially Shi Xuan who grew up in the secular world, seeing such a beauty product, why not rush to ask for it?
But what surprised him was that Shixuan didn't even look at it.

"Thank you, I don't need it!"

Li Kuang was stunned.


After a while, he asked a silly question.

"Because I think my beauty is enough, and I don't need to add unnecessary modifications."

Shi Xuan spoke surprisingly, her cold words were like a bucket of cold water pouring on Li Kuang's fiery heart.

He could hardly bear to reveal his identity to Sister Shixuan soon.

But looking at the burning and breaking of love still in the square, he finally held back.

There will be more opportunities in the future, so why rush at this moment.

"Shixuan, you are naturally beautiful, and you should look down on this ordinary medicine. It is Qing Lan who offended you."

Li Kuang said angrily: "Since this elixir has polluted you, sister, you don't need it."

After finishing speaking, he actually threw the pill down.

"Who is so bold as to hit me?"

A voice full of anger suddenly sounded, making Li Kuang startled in fright.

It happened, I forgot to look at the direction under the anger, and hit someone.

What made him even more dumbfounded was that the one who was hit on the head by the jade bottle was the representative of the Kunlun School named Qing Wu.

At this moment, she was holding the Qingxin Nourishing Pill in her hand, with an angry expression on her face.

How could she, who was already arrogant and willful, endure such an insult?

(End of this chapter)

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