War of the Three Realms

Chapter 336 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 9

Chapter 336 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 9
Qing Wu originally had some dislike for Li Kuang, because she always thought that she was the real genius and should be the most eye-catching focus no matter where she went.

But today, all the honor and halo belong to this young looking little girl in front of her.

Jealousy and resentment made her proud mentally extremely depressed, and when she caught this opportunity, she would not let it go easily.

She twisted Xiaoman's waist, and her body flew up, landing directly in front of Li Kuang, and said arrogantly: "Little sister, did you throw something at me just now?"

Li Kuang didn't feel cold about her, but he still pretended to be terrified, and said, "Yes... I'm sorry, I didn't mean it. Since this pill hit my sister for no reason, I will give it to you as an offence. gift from me!"

The reason why Li Kuang did this was to calm things down, let her get the benefits and leave quickly, so as not to hinder her communication with Shixuan.

However, as soon as she said that, Qing Wu became angry: "What a great handwriting! You give away middle-grade pills in such an understatement, your Tianjiao Sect is really rich! Why do you still compete to go to the mountains and seas to practice every year? ? Wouldn’t it be better to give up the opportunity to obtain treasures to the sects in need?”

Li Kuang frowned, is this the kind of virtue that disciples of the Great School have?
"Sister Qingwu, what you said is wrong. The disciples sent by each sect to practice are the result of joint negotiations between several sects, and guarding the barrier cannot be completed by just one or two sects."

Before Li Kuang could speak, Shi Xuan had already stepped forward, coldly blocking Li Kuang.

The disdainful eyes and the cold demeanor immediately changed Qing Wu's expression, and a sharp light flashed in his eyes: "Huh! It is rumored that there is a peerless genius in the Tianjiao Sect, and he was appointed as the next head within a year of entry! I think I'm afraid it's a waste of fame!"

Shixuan said lightly: "Would you like to verify it yourself?"

"Okay! You are so arrogant, Qing Wu has learned."

Seeing Shixuan interfering, Qing Wu was even more angry. This Shixuan was actually her heart disease.

Because outsiders always like to compare her with themselves, the most powerful newcomer in the cultivation world, why does Shixuan rank ahead of her?
Qing Wu has always been unconvinced, and has long wanted to find a chance to compete with Shi Xuan to wash away her shame.

The reason why they rushed to watch the ceremony this time was precisely because of this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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