War of the Three Realms

Chapter 337 Chapter 400, did you recommend it?

Chapter 337 Chapter 400, did you recommend it?

Unknowingly, Cthulhu has already reached 400 chapters. During this period, I updated it with a sickness. This period of time has been both difficult and gratifying!
The reason why we can persevere is because of the support of you children's shoes!Your support is the driving force for my update.

Facing the computer every day, painful code words, that kind of feeling, I don't think I can understand it unless I experience it personally.I'm not trying to complain, but I just want to say that as long as you can get everyone's approval, no matter how hard or tiring you are, it's worth it!
Some children's shoes have to say again, you are paid for this, you should be tired!

That's right, joining V is indeed a collection of money, but have you ever thought about how shabby the little money we earn is today when migrant workers are starting to stand up?

To be honest, when I go out to work, the minimum is more than [-] a day, but what about writing a book?

It takes a few hours, including electricity and network fees, etc., we can be regarded as the cheapest labor force in the world!
Therefore, 90.00% of the authors are actually created in their spare time, I hope everyone understands.

Maintaining the ten shifts is the goal of Tiaotiao. Since joining V, I have never missed it. I have to say that this has almost consumed all my spare time, and even the time to go shopping with my girlfriend has been ruthlessly deprived.

If it's about money, I'd be willing to pay a few dollars for this time.

The reason why I say this is not to complain about jumping ideas.

It's just that some children's shoes are too uninteresting. If you don't leave a message or say anything after reading a book, you can't even give up a recommendation ticket.

well!Although votes cannot be eaten as food, this most basic support is what the author desires most.

No matter how good a book is, if no one leaves a comment, no one recommends it, in the eyes of others, it is like rubbish.

Only when more people follow, will the author be more motivated, and everyone will be able to read it more happily.

If you can barely keep your life, it seems that it is not impossible to write full-time. In this way, the speed will undoubtedly be greatly accelerated, and you don't have to be so entangled!

In this day and age, it costs ten yuan to smoke a pack of cigarettes, so everyone cares about that?
One word, cool!

Men should be straightforward and unwilling to buy children's shoes that are not willing to pay a monthly subscription. It should not be a problem to get a recommendation ticket!
The post-update will still be the same as before. Tickets rose to 2000 that day, and jumping broke out once, with a minimum of 20 chapters or more. It all depends on everyone's efforts.

How many thousands of votes per person?
Is this difficult?

(End of this chapter)

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