War of the Three Realms

Chapter 338 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 10

Chapter 338 Dancheng presents beauty, and the situation rises one after another 10
"it is good!"

Shi Xuan sneered, and a biting cold breath suddenly burst out from her body, like a cold wind blowing, and the surrounding temperature suddenly dropped.

Li Kuang was shocked, and felt that the blood in his body seemed to be frozen, and his face became even paler, and he couldn't help taking a few steps back.

I was horrified in my heart, what kind of realm did Sister Shixuan reach?It was even more shocking than the aura of Senior Sister Meimeng.

And Qing Wu has already rushed forward with a sneer, her aura is like a breeze blowing on her face, it actually brings a warm and lazy feeling, which makes people want to be intoxicated involuntarily.

But Li Kuang was shocked to discover that the Yuxu Qingxin Jue started to operate independently, which shocked him and made him sober up a lot.

The strange scene in front of him suddenly disappeared.

Li Kuang was dripping with cold sweat.

A brilliant green light, like the scorching sun in the sky, crossed Shixuan with a hint of ambiguity.

Shi Xuan is like a green lotus outside the troubled world, not seduced by the scene in front of her.

Her eyes were always full of disdain and indifference, as if she didn't pay attention to Qing Wu's attack at all.

Canglang sound!
The icy air flow rolled back, like a hailstorm suddenly descended from the nine heavens, and the fierce air flow whizzed and ravaged.

The dazzling white light has collided with the green light fiercely.

not good!

Li Kuang was shocked, the two people were fighting like this, the elixir on the alchemy platform was in danger, it was all painstaking effort!
Li Kuang gritted his teeth, tried his best, and fiercely used the pill-receiving formula. Under the strong pressure, his potential was indeed stimulated again.

The pill collection formula was completed in an instant, so fast that Li Kuang couldn't believe it.

The energy net covered the elixir frame and flew away into the distance.

The two sword lights collided suddenly, and indeed a huge storm was created.

The aura instantly went berserk, like explosives bursting, and terrifying air waves rushed around.

Li Kuang's face changed drastically, and he secretly complained.

His speed has reached the extreme, and he can't speed up again unless he calls out the fire cloud.

But now is obviously not a good time to expose.

The dull sound startled almost everyone in an instant.

And Li Kuang hugged the huge frame, his body fluttered in mid-air like catkins, and the powerful zhenqi hit his body, like a bullet hitting the target, making a puffing sound!
(End of this chapter)

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