War of the Three Realms

Chapter 346 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 2

Chapter 346 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 2
Duanqing sighed quietly, a complex light of pain and sweetness appeared in his eyes.

She fixed her eyes on the direction where Shi Xuan disappeared, and murmured: "Like! Really like! That demeanor, that temperament, that tone of voice, even every word and deed, is simply a replica of forgetting love! I really feel sorry for the one who was loved by her." An infatuated man to take advantage of."

Li Kuang suppressed the shock in his heart, and asked tremblingly: "Master, what do you mean? Isn't this 'Forgetting Love and Washing the Heart' one of the eight great exercises in the cultivation world, and it is so powerful in the cultivation world? Why, in your eyes, it seems Like a scourge?"

Shocked, he said: "This 'Forgetting Love and Washing the Heart Jue' is a method of using true love to experience the state of mind. The reason why it has a great reputation in the cultivation world is because after getting rid of the seven emotions and six desires, the harmony with the heaven and the earth is more perfect. It is compact and can unleash a huge attack beyond normal."

This is not what Li Kuang cares about.

"Uncle, I want to know what you mean by what you said earlier? Why do you say you don't want me to become a ruthless robot?"

"That's due to the nature of the 'Xin Xin Jue'! Use the greatest love of mankind to fully stimulate human potential, make it enlightened, reborn from the ashes, forget all love, and succeed in washing the heart, it will naturally become ruthless."

Wangqing said quietly: "This kind of cultivation method is generally carried out by the master secretly. It is impossible for the practitioner to know at that time. After experiencing a cruel emotional change, there are only two results. One is to sink and give up on oneself; It’s about hurting yourself to the core and forcing yourself to forget everything in order to get a new life.”

Li Kuang's heart began to sink as he spoke of forgetfulness, getting deeper and deeper...

"Then what happens to those who succeed in cultivation?"

"Be ruthless and ungrateful, forget everything in the past! Aren't there two successful examples in front of you?"

Li Kuang's body trembled violently, his face turned pale instantly, he bit his lips tightly, he squeezed out a smile uglier than crying, and pretended to be relaxed: "What Master means is that people who have successfully cultivated will selectively lose their memory, forget Everything before?"

"It's true to say that! Under normal circumstances, they will forget everything about the relationship with their former lover, but there are exceptions. Occasionally, the lover survived by luck and even came to the door. Naturally, it is another matter."

(End of this chapter)

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