War of the Three Realms

Chapter 347 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 5

Chapter 347 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 5
The younger sister who rushed over was heartbroken when she saw such a shocking scene, but in exchange for her shrill shouts, her elder sister gave her a merciless slap.

Seeing the man's body flying in the air, spilling a pool of blood, the younger sister suddenly collapsed, weeping uncontrollably, she fell to her knees, watching the man disappear from the cliff.

She also went through a psychological training that was not lost to her sister, but she was unwilling to give up the good memories she once had, so she chose to give up.

And because of this incident, my sister was furious. After taking over the head of the sect, it was strictly forbidden for the women in the sect to contact with outside men, and the mountain was closed for rectification, and many sentient disciples were cleaned up. Under her high-handed control, Tianjiao The gate has finally become a terrible forbidden place where a man from the cultivation world turns pale upon hearing it.

Li Kuangde took a few steps back, his face was miserable, and despair appeared in his eyes.

He wanted to ask the same question!

Why can not love together?Is Master Wangqing betraying love too much?Or does God not allow true love to appear?
My current situation is exactly the same as the man I fell in love with back then. Could it be that I am just repeating the same mistakes?Follow the path of the poor lover?

No...it shouldn't be like this!

Shixuan would never treat me like this... definitely not.

"If... I mean if! What would happen if the person Sister Shixuan loves came to the door without dying? Will Sister Shixuan kill him without hesitation like the head master?"

Li Kuang asked this question that he was unwilling to admit.

"Yes! Definitely!"

He said decisively: "The current Shixuan is just like Wangqing back then. Their personalities are almost exactly the same. This is why she was chosen as the head. Because Wangqing knows that although Shixuan's current state is not enough to be the head The door, but her mind and character, doomed Tianjiao door will continue to be peaceful for 300 years! "

Li Kuang smiled wryly: "I always can't figure it out, why is that? Is cultivation really so important? What's the point of owning the whole world if you lose love and affection?"

He bit his lips and said, "Isn't life meaningful only when you have concerns? No desires, no desires, just like grass, such a monotonous and boring life, so what if you live for 1 years?"

(End of this chapter)

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