War of the Three Realms

Chapter 348 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 6

Chapter 348 Forget about love and wash your heart, yesterday was like a dream 6
"Qing Lan, it's great of you to think so!"

He patted Li Kuang on the shoulder in unfeeling approval, and frowned: "Why are you trembling? Did you get hurt by Shixuan's cold air just now?"

"It's fine! I'm fine! Uncle, don't worry, I won't practice the 'Forgetting Love and Washing the Heart'! I still want to live and be filial to you."

Although Li Kuang said it easily, his heart was filled with despair.

Could it be that he and Shixuan will never be able to return to the past?
Unable to remember when he returned to the bamboo hut, Li Kuang lay on the bed numbly, his heart was in a mess.

Myself, what should I do?

Should he try his best to wake up her memory like that infatuated man, or just let it go?

And the consequences of awakening the memory are suicidal.

Because those who have successfully practiced the Heart Cleansing Art will never allow any cracks in their state of mind, just like Ling Muran wants to kill his wife, the same reason.

Could it be that I also want to learn from Ling Muran and practice the 'Passionate Questioning Art'.

Thinking of the days when he and Ling Muran were under the cliff, due to extreme boredom, Ling Muran, regardless of whether he liked to listen to it or not, actually recited the most mysterious "Amorous Questions of Heaven" in the cultivation world as if he had memorized it. The heart just moves.

Ling Muran obviously wanted to repay Li Kuang for saving his life by doing this.

But Li Kuang was unwilling to accept it, so he came up with such a method.

With Li Kuang's memory, he can remember it completely even once, let alone reciting like singing every day?

It's just that he has been forcing himself not to read these materials.

Because he didn't want to become a ruthless person like Ling Muran.

He can't use his relatives as a tool for cultivation, that would be the greatest insult and harm to him.

At this moment, inexplicably, this technique jumped out automatically.

He was shocked to find that these two techniques were surprisingly similar!
They all enter the Tao with love, and seek their own breakthrough in the love beyond the limit, so as to make themselves and the world more harmonious.

This is actually a state of mind training.

It's just that Li Kuang, who has already practiced Yutian Jue, has long been determined, and he absolutely cannot compromise with heaven and earth, let alone accept the "servant" mentality of these two great skills.

(End of this chapter)

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