War of the Three Realms

Chapter 358 Heaven-Defying God Art, The School of Ten Thousand Laws 3

Chapter 358 Heaven-Defying God Art, The School of Ten Thousand Laws 3
"Let's go! Otherwise it will be too late."

Li Kuang pulled Qing Lan up and ran away.

"Brother Li Kuang, why are you in such a hurry? Sister Meimeng will not harm you, really! She said that she must make you fall in love with her, and you will never be able to leave her again..."

Huoyun sword came out of the body, Li Kuang picked up Qinglan and jumped up, anxiously said: "Meimeng just ran to ask Mrs. Wangqing, no matter how stupid the teacher is, she knows that there is a man on the mountain. If we don't It's too late to go!"

Qing Lan said innocently: "No, Senior Sister Meimeng is the daughter of Mrs. Wangqing, and Mrs. Wang will definitely take this into consideration and let you go."

Li Kuang's body trembled suddenly, and he fell directly from the flying sword. Fortunately, it was not high, otherwise this Yujian accident would probably become a big joke in the cultivation world.

"You... what did you say? Who told you?"

"Of course it's Senior Sister Meimeng!"

Qing Lan didn't realize the consequences of revealing her identity to Li Kuang at all, so she said to herself: "Senior sister Meimeng said that the master originally passed on the 'Forgetting Love and Cleansing the Heart' to her, and she wanted her to be the master, but she I have never been able to find the correct way of cultivation, so the realm has been stagnant. Now that she meets you, she must succeed, but she doesn't understand what is the unswerving love until death, so she ran to ask Shitai and Shixuan Sister's."

Li Kuang's expression changed drastically, and he looked up to the sky and sighed, "It's over!"

Qing Lan said in surprise: "Brother Li Kuang, what's wrong with you!"

Li Kuang smiled miserably, gritted his teeth, and said: "Forget it! Anyway, the matter should be settled, Shixuan, that's all I can do for you. From now on, you will be you and I will be me. Destiny!"

With a decision in his mind, Li Kuang immediately let go of his heart and smiled brightly at Qing Lan: "Qing Lan, can you go to Lingbaopu with Big Brother?"

Qing Lan didn't know why Li Kuang's mood changed so suddenly, she nodded in a dazed way: "Brother ordered, Qing Lan will definitely follow."

Li Kuang pulled Qing Lan up, rose up with the sword again, turned into a stream of light and disappeared instantly.

But he secretly said in his heart: "Master Duanqing, I'm really sorry, I let you down!"

How could this passionate uncle bear this cruel fact?

Thinking of this, Li Kuang felt sore in his heart.

Ulla... Ulla... Ulla...

A piercing siren suddenly sounded in the sky!
(End of this chapter)

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