War of the Three Realms

Chapter 359 Heaven-Defying God Art, The School of Ten Thousand Laws 5

Chapter 359 Heaven-Defying God Art, The School of Ten Thousand Laws 5
"Hey! Meimeng, you really decided to practice the 'Forgetting Feelings and Washing Your Heart'? This is not an easy task, are you really ready?"

Meimeng said firmly: "Mother, you also know that my strength is all due to the monk who ate Master Duanqing, and it is not my own at all. Over the years, my realm has been stagnant, only We can seek such an extreme way to break through."

"I told you earlier that there is no room for cheating in the way of cultivation, but all shortcuts have flaws. You just don't believe it. After stealing so many elixir, you can only reach the out-of-body stage. It is really difficult to go further. Difficult."

"Mother, you have to help me! Didn't Shixuan just started for a year? Why is her realm higher than mine? Isn't it because she found a man? Now I finally caught a man." Man, I will never let it go easily."

Meimeng's childish words caused Wangqing to show a helpless wry smile, she looked at Shixuan who was cold and numb, and sighed slightly in her heart.

Although he was about to transcend himself and ascend to the fairy world, Wangqing still couldn't let go of this rare family affection.

"Okay! Let's go meet this kid who makes you fall in love together!"

"Thank you mom!"

With a flick of Wangqing's sleeve, Meimeng and Shixuan were rolled up, and the three of them were teleported out of the blessed place of cultivation in an instant.

"Who dares to trespass on the Lingbao Po, seek death!"

As soon as Li Kuang entered the square, the two gatekeepers, Fenxiang and Fenhua, noticed it. With a loud shout, they suddenly shot up from the stone platform, trying to stop Li Kuang.

Li Kuang laughed: "Two elders, excuse me, why be nervous?"

What he said was Qing Lan's voice.

"Qing Lan? Is that you?"

When the two elders heard this, they couldn't help hesitating for a moment. Taking advantage of this rare gap, Li Kuang had activated the Fire Cloud Sword, turning it into a beam of flame, piercing the sky with a whoosh, and appearing on the top of the mountain past the two of them.

In front of the elixir, she sat upright like an old monk with her eyes closed, and the mountain wind blew her hair like an elf dancing. The combination of extreme stillness and extreme movement made people think about it.

"Qing Lan, you are here!"

The voice of Duanqing actually trembled a little.

Li Kuang jumped off the flying sword, knelt down in front of her, and said in a deep voice, "Master, I'm sorry! I...I'm not the real Qinglan!"

(End of this chapter)

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