War of the Three Realms

Chapter 369 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 14

Chapter 369 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 14
"Where I came... I... why can't I remember? What's going on here?"

Shi Xuan was a little flustered.

Li Kuang's heart sank suddenly. It seemed that Shi Xuan's situation was much more serious than he thought, and he even completely forgot all the memories of the past.

Wangqing sneered in her heart, hmph, Shixuan has only practiced for more than a year on the surface, but in her heart, it has been a full 200 years. Compared with the memory of 200 years and more than ten years, who is clearer?
"Have you forgotten where you came from? Forgot your own parents, your good brother, and everything else?"

"No! I... I don't! I remember my parents, I'm not a child without parents! But I really can't remember the past, Li Kuang, I really can't accept your love."

Li Kuang didn't show any displeasure on his face at all, instead he let out a sigh of relief.

"This is the best! I can also let go of my psychological burden and become a prodigal son. It is really hard to love someone infatuatedly, and indulgence is the most carefree."

Amid everyone's stupefaction, he bent down and bowed, and said sincerely: "Sister Shixuan, thank you for giving me this opportunity, I will definitely find ten or eight wives, have a bunch of children, and let them all call you aunt. "

Not only Shixuan Wangqing and others, but even Liu Feng and Mei Meng looked at Li Kuang in shock.

I don't understand why he gave up at the last moment after putting so much effort into sneaking into Tianjiao Sect.

This... What is the difference between this and a heartless lover?
Seeing different things and thinking about changing, going from side to side...

All words are not enough to describe his bad behavior.

"No! I will never allow you to do this!"

Seeing that Li Kuang was not begging as hard as she imagined, wanting to live and dying, Shixuan's mood was finally in chaos. She really didn't want to believe it, which made her heartbroken, and finally chose to give up everything. The former lover turned out to be like this A superficial heartless man!
At this moment, an anger that even she couldn't understand rose in her heart.

It's as if the toy that originally belonged to me was directly snatched away by someone.

It is a good thing if someone snatches it.

According to Wangqing Shitai's suggestion, I want to get rid of this "inner demon" that entangles me and makes me fall into the mortal world again, so as to maintain my pure state of mind and seek the ultimate profound truth.

But now, this "heart demon" actually gave up pestering him on his own initiative, and it could even be regarded as blatantly abandoning himself.

How is this possible?

(End of this chapter)

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