War of the Three Realms

Chapter 370 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 16

Chapter 370 Forgetful and Passionate?Drunk for Iraq alone 16
What if one of them no longer loves?

Can this loveless washing go on?

In this cruel love, men are undoubtedly the biggest victims. Not to mention being reduced to a tool for cultivation, being betrayed by the one you love the most is the most hurtful thing.

Li Kuang felt that he couldn't afford to be hurt, and he didn't want to be hurt!
He comes from the secular world, not the feudal cultivation world!
He had heard Duanmu Liefeng mention this 'Forgetting Love and Washing the Heart' more than once. This countermeasure also came from his imagination, and it was only implemented in the hands of Li Kuang.

After researching, Duanmu Liefeng always believed that there must be a very close connection between the 'Forgetting Love and Washing the Heart' and the 'Passionate Asking the Heaven'.

It has to be said that these two kinds of skills are somewhat cruel, and they both increase their cultivation base by hurting each other.

But I have to admit that this kind of injury is all evolved from "love".

What if they were combined into one!
The idea is simply insane!
However, Duanmu Liefeng obtained a result that even he himself was horrified after calculation, and he himself did not want to believe this result.

What Li Kuang has to do now is the first step, to disrupt the opponent's position with an unexpected move, to make a crack in his mood, and to plant a seed!
This seed is an idea, a doubt, a fuse that makes her start to reflect on herself.

Sure enough, Shixuan's nature is stubborn and strong, and her weakness is that she refuses to admit defeat.

This point will not change due to cultivation, on the contrary, it will become more prominent. With the improvement of strength, this kind of strength will only intensify, unless one reaches the state of Dzogchen and sees through everything in the world.

Therefore, as soon as Li Kuang showed his intention to dump her, he successfully aroused Shi Xuan's temper.

At this moment, she has stepped out of the iceberg, shed her thick icy armor, and turned into a child of the world.

Even though she had forgotten everything before, a perverted idea of ​​wanting to conquer the other party surged in her heart.

snort!Only Miss Ben has ever dumped people, no one can dump me!

Shixuan's heart seems to have returned to her school days, full of the persistence and pride of a little girl.

Since you have insulted me so much, then I will let you fall in love with me and then dump you severely, let you taste what it feels like to be dumped!
(End of this chapter)

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