War of the Three Realms

Chapter 371 Mysterious Forbidden Land, Crazy Qin Zhen 1

Chapter 371 Mysterious Forbidden Land, Crazy Qin Zhen 1
Although Duanqing was right next to him, he couldn't save him in time. He could only watch Li Kuang fall into the endless abyss, tears fell down, and pointed at Meimeng tremblingly: "You...how could you do this? How could you?"

Mei Meng seemed to be stunned as well, and in an instant, she laughed like crazy: "Li Kuang, tell you to ignore me! Haha, you finally died in my hands, I just want Shixuan to not be able to kill you ! My cultivation can finally go a step further.”

She looked crazy and yelled, but tears kept rolling down her eyes.

Wangqing showed a comfortable smile.

How could this be?
Shixuan, on the other hand, took a step forward involuntarily, as if she wanted to catch Li Kuang's falling figure, and a complex light appeared in her eyes, but she covered her heart with her hands, and murmured: "Why do you look Watching him fall into the abyss, my heart will hurt so much? Why? Could it be that we were really lovers in life and death before?"

"Shixuan, don't be disturbed by foreign objects, restrain your mind, be ruthless and selfless!"

Wangqing shouted in a low voice, but grabbed Shixuan's shoulders, poured out a wisp of true energy, and said, "Go back to the stone room and sit quietly, and don't come out if you don't calm down."

After finishing speaking, it turned into a stream of light and disappeared on the peak in an instant!

"Brother Li Kuang..."

Liu Feng looked at the empty space in front of him stupidly, his eyes were also empty, like a puppet that had lost its soul.

She didn't shed tears, nor yelled, on the contrary, there was a smile on her face.

It's just that this smile hangs on the delicate face full of tears, which looks extremely weird.

Her footsteps were mechanically moving towards the cliff, and she murmured subconsciously: "Brother, Xiaofeng is here to accompany you, just wait for me!"

After Liu Feng finished speaking, he closed his eyes and jumped out of the cliff.

"Xiaofeng, don't do anything stupid!"

Duan Qing, who had been paying attention to her all the time, saw Liu Feng's behavior, his heart trembled, and his figure flashed, he had already intercepted her from mid-air, and pulled her back to the cliff.

"Uncle, let me go with Brother Kuang! He must be very lonely down there alone!"

"Xiaofeng, are you really..."

Looking at Liu Feng with a blank face in shock, Duanqing was shocked in his heart.

"Uncle, I...really..."

Liu Feng burst into tears before she could say a word, choking with sobs and sobbing.

Wangqing patted her on the shoulder lightly, and said: "Silly boy! I think Xiao Kuang's face is strange, he doesn't look like Fubo's child, maybe he will be fine. Didn't he fall off the cliff last time and be fine?"

(End of this chapter)

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