War of the Three Realms

Chapter 390: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 16

Chapter 390: Removing Toxins, Limiting Alchemy 16
Three months later!

Li Kuang looked at the only pill in his hand, his eyes were full of powerful confidence and madness!
Life and death, success or failure, in one fell swoop!
Li Kuang took the elixir and started his last fight!
His realm has reached the peak state of Jindan, and as long as he goes one step further, he can condense his own Nascent Soul.

With Nascent Soul, its strength will undoubtedly advance by leaps and bounds, a great leap forward!

Li Kuang's current meridians have expanded like a broad road, and his true energy has also been greatly refined. Although the total amount has not changed much, the quality of true energy is undoubtedly much stronger than before, and it is not at the same level at all.

And after the power of divine sense is used in the way of Yujian Jue, the power is also multiplied, not as soft as "Heavenly Vision, Earth Listening Jue", but full of fierce aura, like a peerless sharp sword, Show your sharpness!

Of course, its aggressiveness is much stronger than the original simple mode.

And the control over the consciousness space is also rising rapidly.

Li Kuang's consciousness expanded, wrapped up the entire consciousness space, and began to compress!
It's like squeezing a hollow toy hard, pinching it tightly to make it smaller.

The space of consciousness has no shape, so Li Kuang can squeeze it however he wants.

Strictly speaking, the conscious space is actually just an imaginary space, and its size depends entirely on the master's subconscious cognition.

That is to say, if the master subconsciously thinks that the conscious space is only one centimeter in size, the conscious space can also be that small.

Li Kuang used the power of divine sense to forcibly suppress the consciousness space, but it was actually just a mental suggestion.

He wants to convince himself that the space of consciousness is a mass of liquid medicine, which can be smelted and compressed into a pill by himself!
Therefore, he completely regards compressing the space of consciousness as alchemy!
It's just that the elixir of the consciousness space is too big and too strong, so that he has exhausted all his strength and failed to succeed!
The elixir has been exhausted, and Li Kuang has no second chance.

Therefore, this time he must compress the space of consciousness to a size that he can perfectly control.

The power of spiritual thoughts enveloped the entire consciousness space, and began to oppress it strongly, and the pill fire also appeared at the right time, burning around the consciousness space, as if it was going to be roasted.

Finally, under Li Kuang's intense observation, the space of consciousness seemed to be roasted into a liquid state, and began to slowly change under the pressure, shrinking towards the middle.

(End of this chapter)

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