War of the Three Realms

Chapter 391: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 3

Chapter 391: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 3
The bad feeling in Li Kuang's heart became stronger and stronger, but when he checked carefully, his body was extremely healthy, and there was nothing abnormal at all.

"Li Kuang, you are really smart. You have been in a daze for a while. There is nothing wrong with you refining the elixir and trying your best to expel the toxin, but have you ever thought that the soul-destroying poison is actually hidden in the air, unless you don't Breathe, otherwise, you will definitely not escape the fate of being infected!"

Qin Zhen continued: "What's ridiculous is that when you refine the elixir, you even have to introduce toxin-containing spiritual energy into one body. Isn't this directly fusing the toxin into the elixir to hurt yourself?"

Li Kuang was completely dumbfounded.

I am really smart, I was confused for a while!

Since the soul-severing poison is contained in the air everywhere, I introduced a large amount of spiritual energy to fuse with the elixir, and what I made was not a life-saving elixir but a poison!Isn't this making poison yourself? "

At this moment, Li Kuang was a little dumbfounded, but at the same time, he also became suspicious.

It is said that I have taken so many "poison pills", so I should have died of the poison long ago, why now I feel refreshed and my energy has greatly increased?

"You must be wondering why you're still alive!" Qin Zhen seemed to understand the doubts in Li Kuang's heart, and said, "This is because of your body change. Li Kuang, you are such a genius, you actually came up with this trick, using Toxins constantly temper their body and soul, making them change until they can fully adapt to the existence of toxins."

Li Kuang exclaimed: "You mean my body has already changed enough to adapt to these terrible toxins?"

"It should be like this." Qin Zhendao: "The fusion of pills and toxins will give you energy while producing an endless stream of toxins. During the long-term confrontation, your body has gradually adapted to it. This is simply a miracle! A constitution that can automatically change attributes is really a rare treasure in the cultivation world!"

Li Kuang's heart moved. Could it be that the reason why his physique changed was because he was completely corroded by poisonous gas when he was a child?
It must be so!

In this way, he is now an out-and-out "poisonous person"?


This is outrageous!

Li Kuang sighed in his heart, his face turned ashen.

"But don't be afraid, as long as you have the correct exercises, you can channel and control these mutated energies in your body, so you don't have to worry about accidentally injuring innocent people."

Qin Zhen smiled sinisterly.

(End of this chapter)

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