War of the Three Realms

Chapter 394: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 6

Chapter 394: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 6
"Li Kuang, I know you are the descendant of Tianshimen. Otherwise, you wouldn't be so calm when you fell from the top! I think, falling off the cliff is probably your escape plan! But you didn't think of this. The bottom is actually full of soul-severing poison."

Qin Zhen seemed to have seen through Li Kuang's plan a long time ago: "Are you planning to create an illusion that you are dead so that you can start your own plan? From this point of view, you also have the same feeling for the current six major forces. Ambition, which is the basis of our cooperation."

Li Kuang laughed: "Senior Qin Zhen is so wise, I admire him, so why didn't you say this at the beginning?"

Without waiting for Qin Zhen's answer, he smiled and said: "If I can't successfully expel the toxin and live up to now, I'm afraid Senior Qin Zhen won't teach me the real magic skills, and the boy will still die!"

"Hahaha, you are indeed a smart person! There is no free lunch in this world, and there is no pie in the sky. People must rely on themselves to succeed!"

Qin Zhen's voice revealed a ray of domineering, which gave Li Kuang a strange feeling.

Feeling the oppression of this aura, his Heaven-Defying God Art immediately started to function, exuding a unique aura, which made Qin Zhen's inadvertent burst of aura disappear immediately.

"Li Kuang, I admire you more and more! I really don't know what kind of expert can teach you such a clever apprentice!"

"Senior, now that the words have been spoken, I don't know how the senior wants the boy to help you?"

Li Kuang was secretly wary, but he was smiling.

Qin Zhendao: "Helping me is helping yourself, because with the help of our 'black prison', it is definitely much easier for you Tianshimen to break out of the cultivation world, so I want to know your specific identity, can you represent the whole world?" Tianshimen!"

A thoughtful smile appeared on the corner of Li Kuang's mouth: "Senior, do you mean to form an alliance with our Tianshimen?"

Qin Zhendao: "This is a win-win situation. Only by forming an alliance and helping each other can we survive under the oppression of the six major forces. Do you think that after so many years, they will still watch the rise of other forces and carve up the mountains and seas with them? Is it the treasure of the world?"


Didn't the master say that the upright guarding of the mountain and sea barriers is for the eternal peace of the human race?The facts now seem a bit intriguing.

(End of this chapter)

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