War of the Three Realms

Chapter 395: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 8

Chapter 395: So Close to the End of the World, Yin and Yang Against the Sky 8
"Before the birth of human beings, gods and humans existed. Just like the evolutionary history of human beings, from the initial harmonious coexistence to the final division for interests, war is inevitable! The specific details of the war are no longer available, but in the war , the most important source for God is to appear, "

"The origin of this kind of battle between the gods is a chaotic energy called the spirit! This is the root of the gods, just like human beings cannot do without the air. Without this 'spirit', the gods will die slowly! "

Qin Zhen spoke out the secret slowly, his voice was unhurried, as if he was telling an insignificant matter.

"In order to obtain this miraculous energy and thus maintain their eternal life, the gods are fighting more and more fiercely, and the flames of war have spread to the entire universe! But the consequence of doing so is that it will directly lead to a large consumption of spiritual resources."

"In the legend, Nuwa, the only master who created the gods and the ultimate god, after creating everything, out of despair of the void, she dissipated all consciousness, turned into fragments and scattered them to the three realms, so that she could participate in the evolution of the world Go in. Under the continuous reincarnation transformation and derivation of the "spiritual accumulation", this world has one life two, two begets three, and three begets all things. It finally becomes what it is now."

"So the spirits of the heavens and the earth all contain psychic energy, it's just a matter of quantity! However, psychic objects are limited, and only a few strong people can possess them, and the lives of the gods are not truly eternal! In order to survive the catastrophe Now that they have enough power to protect themselves, the gods can only find a faster way!"

"What does all this have to do with people?"

Li Kuang was puzzled.

"Good question! What does all this have to do with human beings? In fact, you already have the answer in your heart, why bother asking me?"

Li Kuang's heart was shocked. This time, he completely understood the meaning of Meiqi's words!

Human beings are a kind of psionic energy collector similar to themselves created by the gods to collect psionic energy!
In their eyes, human beings are cattle and sheep that they graze!
But what does all this have to do with Hell?
Li Kuang really couldn't figure it out.

Fortunately, Qin Zhen didn't let him guess, but said directly: "As long as there are experiments, there will naturally be failed products. Our black prison is a failed product created by the gods! It's just not completely destroyed by them! After years of development, finally It has formed a powerful strength that even the heavens dare not underestimate."

(End of this chapter)

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