War of the Three Realms

Chapter 404 So close to the end of the world, random teleportation 1

Chapter 404 So close to the end of the world, random teleportation 1
Li Kuang scolded his mother in his heart after hearing this, and secretly scolded Qin Zhen for being really sinister.

It turns out that although this close distance is called the most magical and dangerous place, it also has its magic, that is, it has a certain degree of randomness. Although it is connected to Broken Soul Cliff, it is completely uncertain where it will be after going out.

Going out from different places, arriving at different places.

This position must be mastered by oneself.

Isn't this bullshit?

I am now going to Kunlun, the central location, if I accidentally send it to a certain Jedi tens of thousands of miles away, wouldn't it be a big deal?

And going out is actually very simple, as long as you can withstand the poison of breaking your soul, you can break through the big formation.

Surrounding this large formation, there is a substance-like mist, and this mist contains a strong soul-destroying poison.

Li Kuang originally wanted to put away the tent and utensils, but after thinking about it, he stopped again and decided to give it all to Qin Zhen. After all, he cannot see the light now, and his life must be extremely painful. Kind of fun.

Although Li Kuang's current soul power is weak, it is not difficult to release it out of the body to investigate with the help of Xinyantong. After carefully releasing the soul power, a satisfied smile finally appeared on Li Kuang's face.

This soul power is really powerful!
They all avoided the soul-severing poison one after another, and they didn't gather around to devour it like before.

This made Li Kuang's telepathy not only detect farther, but also clearer.

This time, the edge of the formation is no longer a mass of nothingness, but clearly presented in front of Li Kuang's "eyes"!
Li Kuang stood up, shot up from his body, and ran to the distance without the slightest hesitation.

Qin Zhen cried out in shock: "Li Kuang, what are you doing? Do you want to commit suicide? The counter-shock force of the formation is extremely strong, and you can only use the yin and yang against the sky to absorb the toxins in the barrier in front of you. ..."

Before he finished speaking, he was shocked again: "You... how could you? Good! You really deserve to be the one I chose, hahaha!"

Li Kuang's body was getting lighter little by little, gradually disappearing into the mist.

The strange situation like particle disintegration is shocking.

Now that Li Kuang has locked onto the big formation, and matched the power of the big formation with his mind and eyes, he naturally understood the structure of the big formation easily.

The protection of the large array is like a complicated mesh channel!

One can only get out of this web by bypassing or destroying certain threads.

(End of this chapter)

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