War of the Three Realms

Chapter 405 So close to the end of the world, random teleportation 2

Chapter 405 So close to the end of the world, random teleportation 2
This task, which seems almost impossible to others, is extremely easy for Li Kuang.

Compared with others who need to use spiritual thoughts to feel carefully, Li Kuang "sees" directly, coupled with the help of soul power, it is extremely easy and simple.

According to the method Qin Zhen taught, "cutting" some silk threads blocking the way, and using the yin and yang defying the sky to absorb the toxins, Li Kuang finally quickly opened a passage for himself to go out.

These soul-severing toxins are just like the existence of true energy, just like the sealing formation used by Li Kuang to refine alchemy, they operate in a complicated and mysterious way, thus producing incredible power, but this power source was cut off by Li Kuang After it was sucked away, the so-called large formation's attack was temporarily ineffective.

Of course, the passage opened by Li Kuang is only temporary, because all such advanced formations have the ability to repair themselves. In less than a moment, energy from other places surges in, and the formation returns to its original state.

Finally out of trouble!
Li Kuang was so pleased that he couldn't help but scream loudly to express his excitement, and prayed that he would appear directly at the Kunlun border.

who knew...

When the eyes dimmed, Li Kuang appeared in a strange place.

Before adapting to the situation in front of him, Li Kuang's heart tightened, and an extremely dangerous feeling came to his mind, and a fierce qi was shooting towards him.

No way!
Assaulted as soon as you come out?
Li Kuang was shocked. Under the extreme danger, his potential was fully stimulated, his mind and eyes opened up, and he instantly found a slightly safer position.

At this moment, although he didn't open his eyes, his vision was like radar, scanning in all directions.

The surrounding situation is also clear all the way. It turns out that this place is still on the mountain.

Compared with the precipitousness of Jueqing Peak, this place is obviously much calmer. The mist is lingering endlessly, like a fairyland, and the pure and rich spiritual energy rushes towards the face, which makes people feel refreshed.

This is a blessed land even higher than Unfeeling Peak!

Li Kuang instantly came to a conclusion.

The five strange peaks in the cultivation world are all occupied by big factions. Where is the place that is higher than the Unfeeling Peak?The answer is almost there.

For a moment, Li Kuang almost fainted from happiness.

(End of this chapter)

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