War of the Three Realms

Chapter 406 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 1

Chapter 406 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 1
It is a great blessing to be able to appear on the top of Kunlun in such an accurate and punctual manner without the long journey!

What's even more outrageous is that the place where he is now is a place similar to the Unrequited Peak Square. This kind of place is the place where ordinary disciples use for training and competitions!
And from the dense crowd around, it can be seen that there is a competition going on here!
Li Kuang was lucky enough to fall from the sky, and just happened to land between the two fighting disciples, and he was assassinated in an instant.

Dodging the attack at the limit of time, Li Kuang was secretly proud that the realm of these two disciples had reached the Nascent Soul Stage!

"Bold, who told you to break the rules? Catch me."

Li Kuang stood there giggling, but some people quit.

This person is none other than Wang Wu, the eldest disciple of Bai Yunzi who is hosting the competition!

Wang Wu is a man with a burly appearance and a bold temperament. He is a loyal and kind person.

Li Kuang knew that he appeared at the wrong time, and he might cause a misunderstanding, but he didn't feel scared, because when Wang Wu was emotional just now, his mind-reading skills already knew that the seemingly vicious Kunlun disciple in front of him was actually He is a rare good man.

This kind of person will generally act in strict accordance with the regulations, be meticulous, and will never accept bribes or anything, but will not use selfishness to hurt others.

To a spy who is good at disguising, such a person is actually no different from a fool.

The two contenders also stopped, staring at each other.

There was an uproar downstairs.

It's been a long time since such a thing happened to make trouble in the competition. This kid is really daring. I don't know if the elder brother is on duty today, are ghosts and gods frightened?
In the eyes of everyone, the strict elder brother is more terrifying than anyone else.

Seeing two masters at the out-of-body stage approaching him, with a stern light in their eyes, Li Kuang's heart tightened and he secretly screamed that something was wrong.

Because the mental fluctuations of these two people were still very strong, the meaning expressed made Li Kuang almost faint directly.

Haha, what a handsome and cute little brother!So tender, so delicate, and straight, our brothers are blessed this time, and finally we can have a good time...

Damn, just came out of a lesbian concentration camp and fell into a gay den? ? ,

(End of this chapter)

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