War of the Three Realms

Chapter 407 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 2

Chapter 407 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 2
Li Kuang smiled wryly in his heart, blushing unceasingly, this cultivation world is not as sacred and noble as the outside rumors say, pure and clean!
In fact, it’s easy to think about it, but all the big sects only accept male disciples or female disciples, and in order to get rid of emotions and desires, most of them don’t advocate love between men and women, but try to reduce contact between men and women, thinking that this can put an end to evil thoughts in their hearts , wholeheartedly.

As everyone knows, blocking is worse than sparse. In the age of youthful and frivolous passion, how can the natural sincere emotion in the heart be suppressed by force?

It's okay for ordinary people to say, but there are people with rich emotions, and it is inevitable that they will feel lonely. Under such circumstances, it is reasonable for gays and lesbians to appear.

After all, they are still far away from the real harmony between heaven and earth!
Seeing the two of them walking towards him, Li Kuang felt a chill in his heart, and his original idea of ​​making compromises suddenly fell through. He said that he could not let these two homosexuals touch his body, and it would definitely seriously affect his sexuality for the rest of his life. Blessed!
"Stop, don't come over, do you know who I am? Can you bear the consequences of offending me?"

With an idea, Li Kuang drank loudly, his voice was as loud as a thunderbolt from the clear sky, and the strength of the tone was also surprising.

After shouting this sentence, Li Kuang immediately regretted it, because he had forgotten Wangwu's character in front of him, such a person would not take hard things, and especially hated those who bullied others.

My arrogant posture may be effective for ordinary people. As long as I successfully shock them, I can slowly think of a way out, but Wang Wu...

"Take him down, Kunlun powerhouse, how can you allow you to be presumptuous?"

As soon as the two homosexuals heard the silver light in their eyes, they immediately stretched out and rushed towards Li Kuang.

Li Kuang's forehead was sweating, and he made up his mind that even if he died, he couldn't fall into the hands of these two homosexuals.

Seeing the two approaching, he had an idea, suddenly sat down on the ground, and burst into tears: "You bully people! I just came to apprentice, and you actually want to kill me, woo, the world of cultivation is too scary, I can't live It's..."

As soon as this fascinating performance started, there was a burst of laughter from the surroundings. No one could have imagined that the troublemaker who had been aggressive before would become so cowardly and anticlimactic at this moment!

When Wang Wu heard this, his face changed suddenly. In a flash, he jumped in front of the two homosexuals, landed in front of Li Kuang, looked at him coldly, and locked on to Li Kuang with his powerful aura. If there is any change, I am afraid that he will be attacked crazily.

(End of this chapter)

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