War of the Three Realms

Chapter 408 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 3

Chapter 408 Top of Kunlun, gay camp? 3
This Wangwu is indeed the proud disciple of Master Baiyun, whose strength is so high that it is shocking that Li Kuang can't detect it, which means that the lowest level of him has surpassed the stage of leaving his body.

Possibly in a state of distraction.

This is the pinnacle that ordinary cultivators can hardly climb in their lifetime.

Although Li Kuang possesses supernatural powers, Wang Wu has also practiced the 'Yuxu Qingxin Jue', and has been immersed in this way for many years. His realm is so high and his skill is so deep, that Li Kuang can't match it now.

"Who the hell are you? You don't seem to be among the new disciples! Tell me, how did you get in here?"

Wang Wu straightened his face, that majestic image made the disciples around him shudder, and they dared not speak. This shows how majestic the senior brother is.

Although Li Kuang wasn't afraid of him, he also pretended to be scared, circling his eyes with his hands, like a spoiled child.

Such a cute action made everyone chill, but the two homosexuals swallowed involuntarily, staring at Li Kuang with blue eyes, as if they wanted to eat him.

Li Kuang choked and said, "How would I know, I haven't been a teacher yet!"

When these words came out, everyone was shocked.

How can it be?

How could a person who didn't have a teacher come here?It is simply a fantasy.

You know, the Kunlun classification system is extremely strict.

They are divided into several grades according to height and intensity of aura, and each grade strictly limits the strength of disciples, that is to say, only when the strength reaches the corresponding grade can one reach a certain height.

And above Kunlun, there are many houses and training grounds built on the mountain, layer by layer like terraced fields, which is extremely funny.

The first stage is the introductory stage, which belongs to this category below the Nascent Soul stage, the second stage is from the Nascent Soul stage to the out-of-body stage, and the above is the distraction stage, the fourth is the integration stage, and the fifth crosses the catastrophe. The sixth Mahayana.

The main peak is also in the shape of a pagoda, and it gets smaller as it reaches the top. Naturally, there are fewer and fewer masters living there.

As for the peak hidden in the high clouds, it is a mystery, a mystery that no one knows!

Because no one has ever been there!

According to the legend, where is the shortcut to the Eastern God Realm!

With Li Kuang's current Golden Core Stage state, he also belongs to the entry stage, and should be at the first level.

(End of this chapter)

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