War of the Three Realms

Chapter 412 Loyal Senior Brother, Candidate Selection 3

Chapter 412 Loyal Senior Brother, Candidate Selection 3
The checkpoint is set in a small house. The house is completely white and spotless. It is obviously made of extremely rare materials in the cultivation world, and the ground is carved with extremely complicated formations and runes, revealing a desolate flood. breath.

Standing in front of the checkpoint, Li Kuang was shocked, as if he had traveled through time and space to the ancient times, and the ancient and desolate atmosphere was so strong.

The gatekeepers were two out-of-body masters. When they saw Wang Wu, they immediately clasped their fists and saluted, and called out big brother!

Wang Wu put on a straight face, as if someone owed him millions, just grunted coldly, nodded, and said hello.

Those who didn't know said he was arrogant and rude, but it was just his personality.

Li Kuang also smiled at the two of them. His handsome facial features, harmonious attitude and pure breath immediately won the favor of the two of them.

He glanced at Li Kuang in surprise, not understanding how he got to the second floor with such a low level.

Li Kuang and Wang Wu stood in the middle of the magic circle, and the magic circle lit up immediately, as if a machine was starting, and then, white light suddenly flashed.

Li Kuang felt his brain dizzy for a while. When he took a closer look, he couldn't help crying and laughing. He was still standing there without moving!


Li Kuang took a closer look, only to find that the gatekeeper had changed, and he knew that he had unknowingly descended from the second floor to the first floor.

This thing is faster than taking an elevator!

Li Kuang sighed, and walked out with Wangwu.

The layout here is actually not much different from the second floor, the same training ground, the same house shape, the difference is that the realm of the disciples has been lowered by several levels.

The highest one is only the Golden Core Stage!

Li Kuang regained his confidence in an instant, because he discovered that many people were not as powerful as himself.

These people are all the beautiful jades that Kunlun found from the world of self-cultivation and the secular world. It can be said that among ordinary people, all of them are geniuses.

But here, they appear extremely ordinary.

Because there are so many geniuses.

Li Kuang seemed to have returned to Wudu Gaoyou, where geniuses were equally worthless.

The square here is wider, but there are not many practitioners, about 300 people.

Li Kuang guessed that these people were probably left after the audition. According to what Wang Wu said, some of them would have to go through the test, and the last remaining ones could be selected as disciples by the masters in the sect!
(End of this chapter)

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