War of the Three Realms

Chapter 413 Loyal Senior Brother, Candidate Selection 4

Chapter 413 Loyal Senior Brother, Candidate Selection 4
Seeing Wang Wu, these disciples saluted one after another and called senior brother, appearing extremely respectful.

Li Kuang was secretly happy. It seemed that as long as he had a good relationship with his elder brother, he would not be afraid of being bullied in Kunlun from now on.

Although these disciples were friendly on the surface, and all of them were like gentlemen, through the detection of mind reading skills, Li Kuang felt a kind of contempt.

Is human nature always so selfish and greedy?
Li Kuang was a little confused.

Wang Wu looked at Li Kuang's reserved appearance, but smiled: "Brother Li Kuang, you just wait here, I'll go say hello to the manager and arrange for you to make up the exam, remember not to walk away."

Li Kuang said obediently: "Thank you senior brother, Xiao Kuang will definitely not cause trouble to senior brother."

Wang Wu nodded approvingly, and walked straight into a majestic building that looked like an ancient general's mansion.

Presumably, there is the office of the manager on the first floor.

The surrounding disciples saw that the high-ranking Senior Brother Wang Wu had brought a disciple with such a low level, and they started whispering a long time ago.

Most of these people came from the secular world, and their utilitarian heart is relatively strong, and the content they talk about is all about jealousy and unwillingness.

The more malicious ones were actually discussing whether Li Kuang was attracted by the big brother because of his good looks. The relationship between the two suddenly became ambiguous, and they even discussed whether to sacrifice their luster and seduce him. big brother!
Li Kuang almost vomited blood out of anger.

These guys, if they don't work hard and practice hard, they always think about these crooked ways and want to take shortcuts. Their future achievements must be very limited.

Li Kuang sneered in his heart, I will prove my strength one day, and let you frogs in the well worship me!
He closed his eyes, immersed his entire state of mind into Yuxu Qingxin Jue, and used that purity and indifference to purify the hostility in his heart.

In a moment, his figure began to change in the eyes of all the disciples, and he seemed ethereal, and his aura seemed to disappear, gradually disappearing in the world.

Simply running Yuxu Qingxin Jue has an extraordinary effect on calming the mind and purifying the evil thoughts in the heart.

When Li Kuang opened his eyes, his heart was already at peace. Bathed in the warm sunshine, his handsome facial features, his eyes as clear as a deep pool of thousands of years, coupled with his ethereal temperament, made him look like a fairy descended from the fairy world. In general, full of peace and nobility!
(End of this chapter)

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