War of the Three Realms

Chapter 416 Succeeding in the make-up exam, successfully advanced 2

Chapter 416 Succeeding in the make-up exam, successfully advanced 2
Although Li Kuang had the urge to laugh out loud after getting the name of the junior, his experience made Li Kuang feel sympathetic and admired.

How difficult it is for a lonely and helpless child to grow up in a feudal society!

And Xiaosan, relying on his own efforts, has made it to today step by step and has become a world-famous Kunlun disciple.

But now, after several years of hard work, he was about to be scrapped because of a sudden person. Such a cruel result was really unacceptable to him.

But what can he do?
I can only clean up his bitter mood and sigh secretly in my heart, even if I am an outside disciple, it is better than fighting against the gangsters in the market!

Li Kuang couldn't bear it, wasn't he the same as those hypocritical predators in the West?
Although Li Kuang acted eclecticly and even sacrificed everything in order to achieve his goal, it was absolutely impossible for him to bully a weakling.

However, this quota is equally important to him, and he must not give it up.

what to do?How can we get the best of both worlds?

Xiaosan has been in the market for a long time, she is smart, she knows that she is doomed when she sees the situation in front of her, not to mention that her strength is lower than the opponent, even if the strength is much higher than the opponent, I am afraid that I will not dare to win this competition!
People who have taken care of the state of the world and are used to seeing things in the world always think farther.

This Li Kuang clearly came through the back door. It was almost certain that he would become a Kunlun disciple, and since he had no power, power or acquaintance to help him, he was the best sacrifice.

Thinking of this, Xiaosan felt extremely bitter.

Even self-cultivation has to be mixed with secular emotions. Why is this?
Li Kuang saluted coldly, and said, "Brother, please advise!"

Damn it, even if I fail, I still have to work hard for a while, and my ten years of hard work will not be in vain!At worst, if I am an outer disciple, gold will shine everywhere!
As soon as Xiao San became ruthless, he pulled out the sword on his back with a whoosh, turned into a stream of light, and stabbed towards Li Kuang.

Everyone was startled, this kid stabbed immediately with his sword drawn, without giving the opponent any time to prepare, it was really rude.

Li Kuang flashed a hint of appreciation, a fight is a fight, why do you need so much red tape?
Xiao San's skills are good, at least, his sword moves are not showy, but after the baptism of life and death, the whole body erupts with a tragic murderous aura.

"Dear children's shoes, Tiaotiao plans to explode today. As for how much it can explode, it depends entirely on everyone's support. Please vote or leave a message. Tiaotiao will keep coding and posting when it is coded. Therefore, your encouragement is very important. Oh!Maybe seeing everyone's enthusiastic messages, I'm so excited that I don't even eat food and code like crazy for a day!Hee hee, come on!The new book of the same period, this book is the first, it all depends on your support, I hope everyone will continue to work hard to make Cthulhu one of Tencent's most classic books! "

(End of this chapter)

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