War of the Three Realms

Chapter 417 Succeeding in the make-up exam, successfully advanced 3

Chapter 417 Succeeding in the make-up exam, successfully advanced 3
This kid is definitely a battle-tested lord, his attacks are sharp and direct, without any extra moves, he can kill with one blow.

Li Kuang sighed secretly in his heart, what kind of life did this mistress lead?
Because Li Kuang detected that his ruthless moves were not deliberate at all, that is to say, once he made a move, it would be extremely ruthless. This was completely an instinctive reaction.

Presumably, he used to carry out such tragic fights before.

Wang Wu and the steward's eyes suddenly changed.

This little three's attack is too vicious, can Li Kuang dodge it?
Li Kuang's eyes sank like water, and the Yuxu Qingxin Jue started to work, and his whole mind entered a state of tranquility, terribly calm.

With a wrong body, he also used the simplest and least effort-saving posture to avoid his sharp blow.

The whizzing sound of piercing the air seemed to be flying past his ears, and everyone who saw the danger screamed.

Xiaosan's heart sank even more.

The aura that I have cultivated through years of bloody fighting is definitely not something that ordinary rookies can resist. It is precisely because of this forward-looking aura that the opponent loses his mind first, and then retreats under his continuous and fierce attacks like a storm !

But this little boy named Li Kuang was so bold, it was really unexpected.

Instantly, he knew that Li Kuang was actually not as weak as he looked.

His every move was full of mystery, his calm expression, smooth movements, and accurate judgment made Xiao San's heart chill to the bottom.

This person is definitely a strong man who has been baptized by blood and fire!
At the same time, a feeling of admiration rose in Xiaosan's heart.

There is a great feeling of sympathy.

In fact, although Xiaosan's attack looks extremely fierce, it is full of loopholes. In Li Kuang's eyes, such an attack is only superficially scary, without the slightest attack power at all.

Whether it is his own peak martial arts cultivation, or the exquisite moves recorded in Yujian Jue, they are far better than his three-legged cat's kung fu.

But Li Kuang felt compassionate, so he couldn't bear to embarrass him, so he never made a move.

In the eyes of outsiders, Xiaosan had the upper hand, and the fierce attack was launched. The sky was full of sword shadows, and the air was hissing and screaming. A murderous aura spread to the extreme, giving people a feeling The weird feeling that the army is charging.

(End of this chapter)

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