War of the Three Realms

Chapter 426 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 2

Chapter 426 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 2
Li Kuang was speechless, and started again, until he made a full serving of five people before he could fill up the big belly of Xiaosan.

Xiaosan was full, and looked at Li Kuang with a dry smile, and said, "Brother, the food you cook is really delicious, and you have a way! It's much better than those chefs on the mountain. My little brother will finally have a secure meal in the future."

Li Kuang couldn't laugh or cry: "You boy, are you planning to eat and drink?"

Xiaosan smiled and said: "Young people in the city have nothing to do in life. Mixing food and drink is a specialty. Otherwise, Xiaosan would have starved to death."

Li Kuang felt a little pity in his heart. This mistress had a miserable life experience. She was abandoned by her parents and lived on the streets since she was a child. Not to mention relatives, she didn't even have a familiar friend.

I really don't know how he survived.

"Don't worry, little San, from now on, as long as you have big brother to eat, you will never be hungry!"

Li Kuang promised with a smile.


Xiaosan cried out in surprise, and looked at Li Kuang's eyes instantly warmed up, the gleam in those eyes made Li Kuang's heart skip a beat.

Damn, this kid won't be glass like those two slut brothers!
"Brother, that divine pill...hehe, can I give you a few more?"

While Li Kuang was thinking wildly, Xiaosan proposed such an outrageous condition compared to others.

In the eyes of ordinary cultivators, this Dabu Pill is indeed a magic pill. Although it is not considered a treasure, it can be regarded as hard to buy.

Even if you are willing to spend thousands of dollars, there is nowhere to buy it.

The little San asked for the pill as soon as he opened his mouth, which was really too abrupt, but he was undecided, as if what he was asking for was just jelly beans, not the precious pill!

But Li Kuang, a rookie cultivator who looks nothing like someone who possesses a magic pill, has done the same thing that makes many masters of cultivation feel ashamed.

"Oh! You want Dabuwan? It's just a small matter. As my brother, I don't need to worry about some small things. It's just that it's not convenient for me now. Can you wait and let me refine a furnace for you?"

"Wait? Brother? You are..."

Xiaosan seemed more surprised than hearing that Li Kuang was willing to give him the elixir, her eyes widened, and she looked at Li Kuang in disbelief.

But he screamed wildly in his heart, impossible, absolutely impossible, is the eldest brother the hottest alchemist in the cultivation world?

(End of this chapter)

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