War of the Three Realms

Chapter 427 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 3

Chapter 427 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 3
Alchemist, what a noble and powerful existence!
Would such a high-ranking figure really consider himself a brother?

At this moment, Xiao San's heart was both excited and confused.

He really can't figure it out!
But Li Kuang obviously didn't care about these, but took out the cauldron and medicinal materials under his shocked gaze.

There is a lot of aura here, so the elixirs refined should not be the kind of "poison elixirs" that contain soul power anymore!
Li Kuang didn't seem to care about revealing his secret in front of Xiaosan, a brother he only recognized. He used his true energy to seal the whole house, and prepared for alchemy in an orderly manner.

After a long time, Xiao San, who finally recovered from the shock, seemed to have something more in his eyes, which was the product of a combination of emotion and belief!
"Brother, you don't... you really want to start alchemy! How is this possible? This place and time are not suitable. I think it's better to wait until the conditions are ripe before practicing!"

Although Xiao San has just entered the world of cultivation, he has learned a lot in the mundane world. According to those storytellers, alchemy is a sacred and long work, which takes ten days and a half months, which is extremely scary.

The disciple acceptance ceremony is about to begin, if this is alchemy...

Li Kuang smiled slightly and said, "What kind of timing do you think is appropriate?"

Looking at Xiaosan who was laughing and speechless, a satisfied smile flashed in Li Kuang's eyes, and he said: "For me, since I promise to do something, I must do it. For small things like alchemy, as long as there is enough The elixir can start working at any time."

Xiaosan heard the words, but a secret smile flashed in her eyes, she approached Li Kuang, and said mysteriously: "Brother, since this Kunlun is known as the head of cultivation, there should be a lot of elixir planted on the mountain! Why don't we take the time to collect it?" a little?"

A hint of surprise flashed in Li Kuang's eyes, but he looked at the wretched mistress with a half-smile.

Xiao San sneered and said, "Brother, my younger brother is in the secular world for food, so... hehe! Will you look down on my younger brother because of this?"

Li Kuang suppressed a smile: "It seems that your boy's traitorous nature is hard to change, and he planned it long ago!"

Seeing that Li Kuang didn't have any obvious objections, Xiao San couldn't help being overjoyed: "Haha, I knew that big brother is not a mortal, so I will definitely understand my little brother's good intentions."

(End of this chapter)

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