War of the Three Realms

Chapter 431 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 7

Chapter 431 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 7
"Brother is thoughtful! Good! Little San will memorize all the information about the elixir. When the time comes, we will give him a one-pot meal. Hee hee, it will definitely cause a sensation in the entire cultivation world!"

Li Kuang told Xiaosan a few times before he unlocked the sealing formation, but someone outside shouted loudly: "Is Li Kuang there?"

When Li Kuang heard this voice, his heart trembled, and he secretly called it unlucky.

TMD, aren't these two dead glass on the second floor?How did you come here?

It turned out that those who yelled loudly were the two homosexuals that Li Kuang saw when he teleported over.

Li Kuang is very clear about the thoughts of these two homosexuals, and they obviously have some kind of evil purpose for him, which is really disgusting.

What's even more frightening is that the realm of the two is not low. If they want to use force against Li Kuang, it may be very dangerous.

Opening the door, the first thing I felt was four naked obscene gazes.

"Junior Brother Li Kuang, so you are here! We have been here for a long time, but your house seems to be protected by a formation to isolate all sounds, so..."

The first person was dressed in black, giggling, his eyes piercing Li Kuang's handsome face fiercely, as if he wanted to grow claws.

Li Kuang felt a chill in his heart, as if ants were crawling on his heart, and goosebumps fell all over the ground.

"Senior brother, you are..."

"Just call me Hei Wu!" The black-clothed gay guy looks big and thick, with a rough appearance, but his voice imitates Dongfang Bubai, the voice of a full eunuch, which makes people want to vomit.

He pointed to the white-clothed man beside him, who was thin, with a gloomy face and extremely sharp eyes, and introduced: "This is Senior Brother Bai Wu. We are all disciples of the most powerful Black Cloud Department in Kunlun."

Li Kuang's heart moved, is this Kunlun still divided?

Bai Wu looked gloomy, but her voice was extremely thick and subversive.

"Junior Brother Li Kuang, the elder asked us to inform you that the acceptance ceremony is about to begin. I hope you will be prepared so that you don't sink into cultivation and forget important things."

Hei Wu even cast a wink, and said: "This kind of trivial matter originally didn't require our brothers to do it, but since we saw you on the mountain, we didn't think about food and drink, so we found a chance to come down to see you How is it? Are you moved?"

The sour voice caused Li Kuang's stomach acid to secrete severely, his heart filled with sour water, and his complexion immediately became unattractive.

(End of this chapter)

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