War of the Three Realms

Chapter 432 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 8

Chapter 432 Loyal little brother, master Kunlun 8
"Thank you two senior brothers!"

Li Kuang suppressed the disgust in his heart, and said with a low eyebrow.

"The place where Junior Brother Li Kuang lives is really amazing. It is better than many places on the second floor. Why don't you invite brother to visit it?"

Hei Wu squeezed her throat and leaned forward.

Li Kuang was taken aback, if he was stained with this dead glass, wouldn't he be disgusted to death?

Immediately took a step back, and said with a sneer: "The mess in the room really hinders the eyes of the two brothers, let's wait another day!"

"It's rare for someone to come down here, Junior Brother Li Kuang, do you have the heart to treat him like this?"

Hei Wu actually started whining, and that "coquettish" angry look made a man with a firm mind like Li Kuang dizzy for a while, and his face changed slightly: "Senior Hei Wu, private space is really inconvenient, please Respect."

As soon as these words came out, the faces of the two suddenly became ugly.

Bai Wu opened his mouth and said coldly: "Junior Brother Li Kuang, we are sincere, and you are so repulsive? Kunlun's waters are unfathomable, and there are many friends and many paths. Junior brother, you have to think clearly. With our Take care, you can live better here."

Li Kuang said lightly: "Don't worry about senior brother, Li Kuang will live a good life, you two should go back!"

"Junior Brother, I promise, you will regret your stupidity today for the rest of your life!"

Hei Wu said sinisterly, a hint of prey flashed in his eyes, as if he wanted to eat people, it was extremely scary.

Bai Wu also said coldly: "Junior brother, before making a decision, don't you have to think about it carefully? This is related to your future future."

But Li Kuang smiled coldly, and sneered at the threats of the two: "Senior brothers, I, Li Kuang, have made many wrong decisions in my life, but this is definitely not the one that will make me regret it."

"Hmph, stubborn!"

Bai Wu groaned angrily for the rest of her life, and left in a huff.

Hei Wu also looked at Li Kuang and sighed, shook his head, turned and left, his appearance seemed to be extremely regrettable.

"Li Kuang, you... will definitely regret it!"

Although Li Kuang still had a smile on his face, there was a chill in his heart, and murderous intent was just around the corner.

"Brother, what the hell is going on? Why don't I understand what they are talking about?"

Xiaosan poked her head out from behind the door, feeling a little puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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