War of the Three Realms

Chapter 440 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 5

Chapter 440 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 5
He was also very excited.

It turns out that momentum can be inspired in this way!
For a long time, Li Kuang's "Defying God Art" has been operating the "Yu Tian Jue" and "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" at the same time, allowing the peace and indifference of the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" to neutralize the arrogance of the "Yutian Jue" violent.

This "Yu Tian Jue" is inherently arrogant, but it exists with the purpose of envoys to the world, and it has this aura that disgusts the power of the world.

Therefore, once under the influence of stimulation, it will run uncontrollably, which is one of the reasons why Ying Long wanted to seal Li Kuang, but what he never expected was that Li Kuang would actually use the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue" Such an alternative way to open the seal.

This also in a disguised form allowed the "dragon energy" inspired by Yinglong Neidan to have a lot of room to move.

This dragon energy was originally fused with poison gas. After transforming Li Kuang into a non-attribute physique, it was hidden in Li Kuang's bones. It would only be stimulated when he was in danger or severely stimulated.

But the current situation is that although Li Kuang's seal has not been completely released, it is equivalent to partly released. Whenever he is stimulated, the dragon energy will naturally erupt, and with Li Kuang's current state, he can't control this at all. breath.

Danger is coming. If this breath stays for too long, it will naturally cause the resistance of the power of heaven and earth, and thus bring down a catastrophe!
However, when Li Kuang was in a critical situation, he suddenly thought of the "Yin-Yang Against the Sky Art", using the control of his soul power, he directly concentrated these auras, and suddenly bombarded them out like using true qi!

Originally, at Li Kuang's level, he couldn't control his soul power, but thanks to the violent aura of "Yu Tian Jue", Li Kuang's aura instantly rose to an incredible level.

And relying on a little soul power as a guide, Li Kuang used the attacking formula in the "Yin Yang Against the Sky Art", and bombarded these auras all at once.

Since this is the first time to use soul power to attack, it is inevitable that it is unfamiliar, otherwise, with the terrifying momentum of Yu Tian Jue, it is definitely not something that two cultivators at the stage of leaving the body can resist!
The cultivation of Yin Yang Against the Sky Jue is the soul, this attack can also be regarded as a spiritual attack!
Although it is extremely powerful, it only exists for a moment. Except for the attacked target, only Qingchen and Xiaosan feel it, and the others don't notice it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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