War of the Three Realms

Chapter 441 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 6

Chapter 441 Situation in the Great Hall, Rebellious Li Kuang 6
"Li Kuang, you are ruthless, we will not let you go, in Kunlun from now on, you will suffer."

Hei Wu dropped his harsh words, and left hand in hand with Bai Wu in a hurry.

Qing Chen looked at Li Kuang incredulously, his eyes filled with shock and doubt, at this moment, he felt extremely unreal.

One sentence actually caused the black and white evil spirits who dominated Kunlun to flee. Such an achievement is indeed a great achievement.

The way he looked at Li Kuang was very different.

This son, future achievements are limitless!
After such a small episode, everyone finally climbed up the high stone steps to the square in front of the main hall.

Kunlun is a large land, so the existence of the square is also extremely large and magnificent, with stone carvings and towering pillars everywhere, giving people a very passionate feeling, as if they have come to an ancient battlefield.

And the Kunlun Hall, known as the number one hall in the cultivation world... the Temple of Nine Heavens, is located at the end of the square.

There, the white mist is lingering, and the fairy air is misty, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

Two rows of exquisite and ancient reliefs are arranged on both sides of the stone steps, which seem to be silently telling a period of bloody history.

Those scenes are shockingly the scenes of human beings fighting with strange beasts in the mountains and seas for tens of thousands of years.

All kinds of strange beasts and various fighting scenes are like a rich picture scroll.

Obviously, these reliefs have existed for tens of thousands of years, full of vicissitudes.

Walking in it is like traveling through time and space, walking in one tragic battle scene after another, and the killing atmosphere is even more overwhelming, as if the fierce beast inside will pounce down at any time and tear itself into pieces.

And among them, the tragic righteousness erupted by human beings when they fought bloody battles seems to be erupting too, and waves of shocks come over, making people's blood boil and it is difficult to suppress!
Li Kuang was shocked in his heart, thinking what a terrible relief.

This kind of aura actually caused Long Qi to move again, as if he had met an opponent he had longed for and longed for, and was eager to fight with love.

Fortunately, the current Li Kuang has figured out a way from the use of soul power just now, and quietly introduced his tyrannical aura to his feet and released it, which did not attract the attention of others.

It's just that when this special energy is released from the soles of the feet, it still inevitably causes vibrations.

Under his feet, it seemed that there was no entity, and every step he took, there was a faint ripple, which was extremely strange.

(End of this chapter)

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