War of the Three Realms

Chapter 719 Unscrupulous, desperate to control the enemy 28

Chapter 719 Unscrupulous, desperate to control the enemy 28
Soaring up ninety thousand miles, once it falls, the world will be destroyed!

The flame spread out like a flying bird, vividly, and rushed straight to the nine heavens. It was the legendary beast Phoenix!
This trick is called "Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens", which is the imitation of the phoenix sword art, which can be called the essence of the sword god's book. Although the simulated creature has no real strength, it is also a kind of ultimate spiritual power. Using, compared to simply using spiritual power to attack, its power is also multiplied.

The last time he competed with Bai Wu, Li Kuang felt the power of this move. Now that his strength has increased a lot, and with the support of Roaring Rabbit Meat, he is absolutely sure to control its changes perfectly!

The appearance of the fire phoenix also made Su Bai turn pale with fright, prostrate on the ground, shivering, barely daring to move, seemed more frightened than when facing the natural enemy.

The fire phoenix soared into the sky, flipped in mid-air, and let out a clear cry, extremely happy, and it seemed to be no different from the real phoenix.

Because his body is actually the Fire Cloud Sword, and the flying sword refined by the gods is naturally closely connected. For a moment, Li Kuang felt as if he was transformed into two, one was Li Kuang who was using the sword art, and the other was flying in mid-air. Look down on the Phoenix of the world!

With a thought of Li Kuang, the fire phoenix immediately turned into a blur of flame, and suddenly crossed a distance of several hundred meters, and rushed towards the bird man.

Facing such a terrifying attack as devastating and destroying the world, the arrogant and arrogant Birdman was frightened out of his wits. He spread his wings in a hurry, flew up obliquely, and fired an arrow of spiritual power at the same time!

The phantom in the air has not disappeared yet, and a terrifying deep pit has exploded on the ground, and the smell of burning is spreading, and black smoke is billowing.

Under Li Kuang's control, the fire phoenix, like a real creature, dived into the air again, opened its mouth wide, and a ball of fire whizzed out, ruthlessly bombarding the birdman, its speed was even faster than that of spiritual power. The arrows don't give way too much.

After all, the bird man is very strong, and in a hurry, he stimulated his potential. The arrows of spiritual power completely surpassed the usual level, and they flew out one after another, collided with the fireballs, and burst into fireworks.

The poignant scene of the flames flying in disorder and the fireballs flying randomly is as if the end of the world is approaching, which is shocking.

What's even more frightening is that a large amount of dragon energy erupts, which cannot be suppressed and neutralized by the "Yuxu Qingxin Jue"!

In other words, the Heaven-Defying God Art is about to get out of control!

And the arrogant and domineering Yu Tian Jue's true energy descended again, instantly attracting a strong induction of the power of heaven and earth, and the catastrophe is imminent!
(End of this chapter)

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