War of the Three Realms

Chapter 720 Unscrupulous, desperate to control the enemy 29

Chapter 720 Unscrupulous, desperate to control the enemy 29
Su Bai was completely shocked and speechless.

This doomsday scene really terrified her, and further up, the vision in the sky made her collapse even more.

The dark clouds gathered rapidly, and the lightning hissed among them, tearing the clouds apart from time to time, and outlining patterns of various shapes!

The howling wind, the inexplicable pressure builds up, almost suffocating!
Heavenly tribulation...what the hell is going on?How could there be a catastrophe?Lao Tzu's realm is still a long way from Heavenly Tribulation!

Birdman is also about to collapse!

The fire phoenix flipped and danced, extremely flexible, constantly spraying fireballs, which made him flustered, and he had no time to escape, and the sky above looked like a catastrophe was about to come, wouldn't he be horrified?
Spiritual energy in a radius of tens of miles is gathering here rapidly, and the hurricane is howling, and it is difficult not to attract attention.

Especially Xiao Feng, who was controlling the sword, was sensitive to the special aura of the Sword God Collection, his eyes froze immediately, and he sneered: "Well, you blind man, you actually used my Shushan sect's magic formula again, presumably It is a good opportunity for me, Xiao Feng, to show my skills and completely trample you under my feet, hahaha!"

Xiao Feng turned upside down in the air, turned into a stream of light, and quickly moved towards the place he sensed.

At the same time, the terrifying aura of the approaching catastrophe also attracted the attention of others, and they rushed to the accident site almost unanimously.

Ziyunzi and Wangwu felt the terrifying scene of the catastrophe approaching, they were both taken aback, and thought of a name almost at the same time... Buwu!
No, something happened to Master Buwu!

It’s just that I don’t know what it was for this time. Thinking of the horrible scene last time, it was just explained by saying “I’m breaking through the realm” afterwards. I don’t know what strong reason there is this time!

Everyone Yu Jian, how fast is it?

Coupled with the fact that they are not far away, within a hundred miles is not very different for a cultivator from a thousand meters for an ordinary person.

When everyone arrived, they happened to see this gorgeous and terrifying scene in front of them!

The sky was so gloomy that it seemed to merge with the earth, and the thick dark clouds were layered on top of each other until it was so thick that it was pitch black. Lightning raged in it from time to time, adding to the apocalyptic scene, which was shocking!

(End of this chapter)

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