War of the Three Realms

Chapter 801 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 10

Chapter 801 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 10
It turned out that for the safety of the clan, the Huasnake clan planted a lot of Drunken Immortal Grass around their habitats. In their eyes, this Drunken Immortal Grass is not as simple as poison, it is even a kind of elixir. Not only can it be made into a sleeping pill that makes people fall asleep peacefully, but it can also relieve pain. When a beautiful snake gives birth, taking a small amount can greatly relieve pain and give birth smoothly!

Drunken Immortal Grass is the most important living material for the Snake Clan, but due to the characteristics of this material, it is not suitable to store too much, otherwise it will be a super poison, so, every once in a while, they have to send people out to pick it A little, sustain life.

Unfortunately, it was Su Bai's turn to go out last time, but he accidentally ran into the natural enemy, the Yiren, and was caught and tortured by the Yiren, just as Zi Wu was passing by, out of righteous indignation, Zi Wu rescued her. After getting off Subai, they fought with Yiren for three days. The two fled all the way, and finally killed Yiren with their joint efforts before they could escape.

But Zi Wu was injured a little during the battle with Yiren. In order to prevent being chased and killed by other Yiren, Su Bai took him back to her seclusion.

It is the first time that the hermitage welcomes human guests, and the excitement can be imagined.

The reason why the beautiful snake is so enthusiastic and straightforward is because everyone has lived in seclusion here for too long, everything is closed, and they are all their own people, so they are used to doing whatever they want.

While recuperating, Zi Wu was deeply moved by what happened to the beautiful snakes, and moved by their innocence, and finally had a relationship with Su Bai!

The whole family is excited, because it seems that the time to break the spell has come!As long as Su Bai is pregnant, the whole family can be rescued, grow legs, and transform into real humans!

But what no one expected was that on the wedding night, the groom could not wake up, and the breath of life gradually weakened, as if he was about to die.

Everyone was shocked, and hurriedly fed him with pills made from drunken jelly grass, so that his soul fell into a state of stagnation, and then he thought hard about the way to save him.

After such a long time, gathering the wisdom of the whole family, they couldn't find any way to rescue him, so they could only drink the drunken fairy grass for him again. This time, Xiaoqing was supposed to go out, but Su Bai's heart was for her lover, so she strongly asked Tong Xing, That's when Li Kuang and the Yiren chased him down.

Li Kuang smiled wryly in his heart, and things really happened as he thought.

(End of this chapter)

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