War of the Three Realms

Chapter 802 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 11

Chapter 802 A new belief, the evil god Li Kuang 11
Ziyunzi's face turned green when he heard that.

Zi Wu is his hope and sustenance, and his discipline has always been very strict, and he is not allowed to make any mistakes.

But I didn't expect that after being out of my control for a few years, I made such a big mistake. I didn't even talk about mixing with my enemy, and even had sex with no matchmaker. It was simply audacious, and I didn't take my father seriously!
If it hadn't been for Wang Wu to support him in time, Ziyunzi would have fainted and intermarried with a different race. If this is reported to the cultivation world, it will probably become the laughing stock of the world and the shame of Kunlun!

But now, he is more concerned about the safety of the child.

"Li Kuang, you must help me save him, please!"

Li Kuang sighed, and said, "Let's take a look first before we talk! Brother Ziwu should be...no big deal!"

Now, everyone can only pin their hopes on the one and only true immortal Li Kuang, but Li Kuang himself is also worried, wondering if he has the ability to save this senior brother who is on the verge of death.

Zi Wu is arranged in an exquisite guest room. This room is extremely dreamy, with flowers and landscapes arranged appropriately, and it is illuminated by fist-sized luminous pearls. Even in the daytime, it exudes a charming halo, as if entering into a fairy tale world.

And on that flower bed, there was a person lying there, no doubt, this person was Zi Wu who Zi Yunzi worked tirelessly to save!


Even though Ziyunzi has already reached the realm of crossing the catastrophe, he can't help being excited. Family love is always indelible.

Unless someone is strong like Wangqing Shitai, who can really ignore it?

It's just that when he dashed forward and wiped it carefully, he was suddenly stunned, and couldn't help but backed up again and again, shouting in horror: "He's not Zi'er, who is he?"

The Lanyan patriarch couldn't stop it in time, and couldn't help showing embarrassment.

"Peak Lord Ziyun, please don't get excited, this is the real Ziwu, it's just like a fake."

"Then why did he look like this? No! You lied to me, Zi'er is tall and burly, definitely not like this mummy! This is definitely not Zi'er, absolutely not."

Ziyun Ziqingqi became excited.

Li Kuang couldn't help being taken aback, no way!Such an exaggeration?It's so frightening that even my own father can't recognize it. This beautiful snake is really terrifying!

(End of this chapter)

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