Chapter 816
She was dressed in black with her head covered, so she couldn't tell her age, nor what she looked like. She just mechanically handed the full Mengpo soup to the people who got off the bridge.

, Beside her, stood two ferocious big men, holding maces and sticks, they kept beating the preempting ghosts to death and throwing them into the river.

The ghosts are constantly scrambling forward, how can it not be crowded?
But the iron bridge can only allow three people to pass side by side at a time, but Meng Po just handed out a bowl of soup.

The remaining two were smashed to pieces by these two big guys wielding maces.

Obviously, it's not been a day or two since they did this kind of thing. Their movements are very familiar. They swung down the mace, crushed the ghost's head, and then kicked it into the river, like flowing clouds and flowing water, without the slightest pity !

Seeing such a situation, Li Kuang's eyes burst into flames, and his hatred rose wildly. He wished he could go forward immediately and tear these demons into pieces.

"Zi'er, where is Zi'er? I'm going to save him!"

Ziyunzi opened his eyes suddenly, a trace of excitement and nervousness flashed in his eyes, he jumped up and was about to fly to the opposite side.

"Peak Lord Ziyun, don't be reckless, you can't fly..."

Li Kuang was taken aback when he saw this, he didn't expect such a rational person as Master Ziyun to lose his composure after seeing his son fall.

You know, this Nether River... or should it be called Jiang, is not as harmless as it looks on the surface. Li Kuang faintly feels a strange threat. With his strange ability to melt ghosts, this river water is not good. thing.

Moreover, Li Kuang also felt a great suction.

This Nether River actually exudes a strange suction force, like a child sucking milk desperately, especially in the sky above it, there is a kind of invisible methane, which is actually a kind of aura, but for ordinary people Spirits are extremely harmful.

Unless there is no attribute genius like Li Kuang, the breath here will have an effect similar to the poison of the soul.

Ziyunzi's rash leap was really beyond Li Kuang's expectation, and he couldn't help secretly screaming that something was wrong.

really.Just as Ziyunzi flung himself a few meters, he sank suddenly, as if being crushed by a huge boulder flying from the sky, his body suddenly fell into the river.

(End of this chapter)

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