Chapter 817
not good!

With the terrifying corrosive power of the river water, wouldn't Ziyunzi's Nascent Soul body be melted like an ordinary ghost when it falls?
Even if it doesn't melt, I'm afraid it will be severely injured.

The arrow of spiritual power, come out!

While Li Kuang was thinking, the Extinguishing Bow appeared in front of him. Almost at the same time, a crystal clear bow string was automatically formed. Li Kuang's soul power rushed out and instantly turned into an arrow of soul power. Bow and nock an arrow.

"Swirling Arrow! Fast!"

With a whoosh, the Yin Qi in front of him separated like a wave, making way for the arrow of spiritual power.The arrow of soul power was like a phantom, it almost flew past the turbulent river, passed directly under Ziyunzi, lifted him up, made a turn in the sky, and flew back with incomparable flexibility.

Ziyunzi fell to the ground, his face was pale, and he was still in shock, but the arrow of soul power landed on the bowstring strangely, and then slowly faded and disappeared.

"This...Jiang Guoguo is really extraordinary and has a strong suction. I think there must be a magic circle in the sky, and flying is not allowed. What should I do?"

Ziyunzi got up, and regardless of his embarrassing appearance, he grabbed Li Kuang's arm and begged bitterly, "Li Kuang, you must save Zi'er, he is about to reach the bridge."

"Which one is it?"

Li Kuang also became nervous when he heard this, and asked anxiously.

"This is what he looks like!"

After all, Ziyunzi was not too stupid, so he sent Ziwu's image information in time.

"No, it's really time to reach the bridge, you wait for me here, I'll save him!"

With a sweep of Li Kuang's spiritual thoughts, his face turned pale with shock. Zi Wu followed the crowd of ghosts and was about to reach the bridge. There were only a few rows of ghosts ahead, and it would be his turn soon.

Even if it's his turn, I don't know if Po Meng's bowl of soup will be given to him!
If you want to drink Mengpo soup, it depends on your luck. Choose one of the three!

Where else can Li Kuang take care of?Jumping up, he flew towards the bridge head. Although the sky was forbidden and he couldn't fly, the short-distance vertical jump was not restricted.

Li Kuang's martial arts came to the world, and his use of body skills is at its peak. When using spiritual power as the power source, his speed is even more astonishing.

Like a shadow!

(End of this chapter)

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