War of the Three Realms

Chapter 833 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 1

Chapter 833 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 1
"No... I haven't thought about it, and no one has said that since I was born, my elders have educated me like this. Therefore, in our eyes, human beings are cattle and sheep, which are used to fill our stomachs and have fun."

Meng Gu took it for granted, but Li Kuang felt cold all over his body when he heard it.

Immediately with an angry snort, he jumped off the cushion, unwilling to stay with her for another moment.

"Hey, don't run! Wait for me! I'm afraid of the dark!"

Meng Gu cried out anxiously.

Li Kuang said coldly: "Noble Miss Menggu, you are a god on high, and I, Li Kuang, are as humble as a human being like a cow and sheep. We are enemies from the beginning, why should I care about you?"

"But...but now that we are sick and in trouble, shouldn't we share the same hatred?"

Meng Gu was so frightened that she became incoherent, immediately took the magic weapon and jumped down from mid-air.

It's really not high from the ground here.

"Li Kuang, don't leave me, I'm really scared."

Meng Gu said with a crying sound, it was heartbreaking to hear it suddenly, but when he thought of what she had done, Li Kuang was furious, wishing to have her executed Ling Chi.

"Don't make trouble! It seems that something is coming!"

As Li Kuang expected, there are mysterious soul powers all over here, once the divine sense is detected, it will be swallowed up.

Therefore, a mysterious fairy as strong as Meng Gu is like a blind man here, without any protection at all, and can only act on his feelings.

On the contrary, it was Li Kuang, although his realm was much lower, but the surrounding soul power not only did not harm him at all, but could provide endless motivation.

In the darkness, the eyes are no different from the daytime, and they can see the surrounding environment at a glance.

This is a small valley!The pitch-black stones, the pitch-black earth, and even the pitch-black trees.

There are trees here?
how is this possible?Li Kuang looked at the trees in the darkness in disbelief, and his heart was filled with shock. It was a magical tree with only branches but no leaves, and it seemed that it could grow well without photosynthesis.

The thickest one is only as thick as a bowl, straight and upright like a steel pipe, and the overall color makes it look more like it was made of steel, shining with a faint metallic luster.

That's not to mention, on the trunk, there are actually dense round holes, and these round holes are flowing out a pitch-black liquid.

(End of this chapter)

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