War of the Three Realms

Chapter 834 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 2

Chapter 834 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 2
As soon as the liquid left the tree trunk, it turned into gas and drifted away.

Could this be the origin of the mysterious black mist?
Li Kuang's heart froze, and he tried to send out a divine thought to the nearby trees.

The thing that shocked him finally happened. The small hole that seemed to be flowing black liquid suddenly opened wide, like the mouth of an animal, giving people a very strange illusion.

Li Kuang felt a tingling pain intuition, and the divine thoughts sent out had been bitten off by the round hole!
At this moment, he even had an illusion that the tree was actually alive and was absorbing souls as food.

Li Kuang was shocked in his heart.

"Hey, how are you? Don't scare me!"

Li Kuang grabbed her violently, and shouted anxiously: "Follow me, don't make a sound, you understand?"

"Really... Is something really coming? How do you know?"

Meng Gu said in horror, her face was pale and looked pitiful.

Li Kuang said angrily: "You don't know how to detect with divine sense!"

"Yes! But this is the No.19 floor. Except for real demons, no one can use divine sense here. Li Kuang, don't tell me you can."

Li Kuang sneered and said, "Of course, otherwise, why do you think I saw something approaching in front of me?"

Meng Gu was obviously frightened, and tremblingly said: "You...you won't eat me!"

Li Kuang was speechless for a while.

I really don't know if this Menggu is a demon or an angel, and she is merciless in killing humans, but at this moment, she is so timid in the face of an unknown enemy, even an opponent far inferior to her own strength, which is really puzzling.

She clearly has the strength of the Xuanxian realm, but she behaves like a little girl in distress.

Presumably, this is a common problem of the second generation of officials. If they leave the scope of their own rights, even if they have great strength, they don't know how to use it.

Li Kuang looked directly with his eyes.

This valley is full of weird trees of all sizes, and there are almost no gaps for people to pass through, except for the open space where the two are.

But hundreds of meters away, there is a barren landscape, not much different from the scenery on the cliff, but there is something vaguely moving and roaring!

And the direction they roared was the valley here. It seemed that these ferocious beasts living in the darkness had already found these two delicious prey.

(End of this chapter)

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