War of the Three Realms

Chapter 835 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 3

Chapter 835 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 3
But for some unknown reason, they just wandered and roared outside the valley, but did not dare to enter the valley.

What are they afraid of?
Li Kuang scanned carefully, but found nothing. This valley is very ordinary, except for the trees and black rocks all over the valley, there are no other living things.

What they are afraid of is probably these trees!

Thinking of the weird scene he saw just now, Li Kuang couldn't help exclaiming: "I see! These ferocious beasts are afraid of these trees!"

"Trees? What kind of trees?"

Meng Gu also became nervous when she heard this.

"A kind of metal-like, leafless, straight-growing magical tree with countless small holes in the trunk. These black mist are transformed from the juice he spilled..."

"Ah! Not good, this is the Soul Eater Demon Tree, hold your breath quickly, don't inhale any breath, or you will die!"

After hearing Li Kuang's description, Meng Gu almost collapsed to the ground, quickly covered her mouth, and screamed in panic.

A smile appeared in the corner of Li Kuang's eyes: "Really? It turns out that this tree is called the Soul Eater Demon Tree! It's really apt, a tree that feeds on the soul, but secretes a different kind of soul power, it's really amazing!"

What this Soul Eater Demon Tree absorbs is a kind of soul power that is indispensable to human beings and even other living beings, but what it secretes is a mysterious energy that can only be absorbed by people in Hell who have practiced the "Yin Yang Against the Sky Art"!
It has to be said that although they are terrifying, they are also a magical energy conversion machine.

Li Kuang took a mouthful of the air containing a certain mysterious aroma with great enjoyment, and felt extremely happy.

The yin and yang against the sky formula in his mind was running more happily, and there was a trace of crystal light emitting from the magic circle, and a huge suction force came out, which actually swallowed up the surrounding black mist wantonly.

What is strange is that after being refined by the yin and yang defying the sky, the mysterious energy that looks as dark as ink turns into crystal clear jade, which makes Li Kuang amazed.

After surviving the Heavenly Tribulation, the realm of the Yin-Yang Against the Sky Jue has also soared rapidly, and the strength of the soul power is especially better than Li Kuang's real strength.

The operation of the magic circle is more perfect, the amount of absorption and refining speed have been greatly improved, and the entire chain has been upgraded several levels, and it can be easily refined for ordinary soul power.

(End of this chapter)

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