War of the Three Realms

Chapter 840 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 9

Chapter 840 Black Prison Soul Eater, Blood Sea Pride 9
Can soul power also be of the ice type?

Li Kuang's heart was shocked. He had never thought about it before, so soul power also has attributes.

In his cognition, soul power is an alternative use of spiritual power and spiritual power. Ordinary souls, the poison of killing souls, and the weird black mist that can swallow divine thoughts are all considered as a kind of soul power. After refining, it can be used by him, but he has overlooked one thing, that is, his physique is actually non-attributed.

All spiritual power can be fused and refined by him!
Therefore, he didn't know that soul power can also have attributes, and even carry the state of five elements!
Such a powerful and terrifying soul power attack actually has a strong ice attribute. Once attacked, not only can the enemy's body be frozen, even the soul is no exception, it is extremely terrifying!
Rao Menggu reached the realm of Xuanxian, but under the attack of the soul power that gathered an unknown number of divine thoughts, she was still defeated quickly. Besides, she did not cultivate the upper dantian, so her cultivation level in terms of soul power was naturally biased. Low.

Not only was the defense shattered in an instant, the body was severely injured, even the soul was almost frozen.

It's really scary that even the Xuanxian realm can't resist a blow!

Li Kuang held down Meng Gu until the powerful divine sense swept over his body, and then receded like a tide.

The frightening feeling like blades flying back and forth in front of his eyelids was really unbearable. Li Kuang suddenly realized that he was almost completely on top of her. When he was panicking, he didn't feel the natural temptation of this devil's body. It was so powerful that it made my heartstrings vibrate, and I felt a strange surge.


Meng Gu struggled hard, finally got rid of Li Kuang's hand covering her, and gasped for breath.

"What kind of demon is that? It's really terrible, no, I... I was hit hard! This time I'm dead!"

Menggu was terrified, and tried to get up, but found that she had suffered a serious injury, and she felt ashamed and despaired.

Li Kuang smiled bitterly: "This is a black prison, any light is a provocation to them."

"who are they?"

Meng Gu was so confused that she was seriously injured and still didn't know who the enemy was.

Li Kuang said lightly: "The Soul Eater Demon Tree!"

"You said it was the Soul Eater Demon Tree? How is it possible? Aren't they trees? How can they hurt people?"

(End of this chapter)

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